Do not faint! Please, saints, do not faint!
It seems as though we all are "pressed out of measure" as the conclusion of this age approaches. I just want, this morning, to encouage any saint of the Most High God who may stumble across this to not get discouraged and to keep pressing on. II Thessalonians warns of a great falling away and we must strive to keep our hearts with all diligence. Jesus said in Luke 21: 19 "In your patience posess ye your souls." Please don't get sidetracked no matter what. (I let it happen to me once for an extended period of time. It was the most unpleasent thing that I've ever been through and I praise the Lord Jesus for getting me back on track.) Today, I love the Lord more than ever and am more determined than ever to run the race that is set before us. We need to lift each other up and "pray without ceasing" for those with whom we have fellowship as we're all in this battle together. Without a doubt, the enemy is walking about seeking whom he may devour. We tend to take prayer lightly at times, but we need to keep in rememberance that we are indeed talking directly to God who is as close as the mention of his name, 24/7. Revelation 5:8 reads "And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints."
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