Sunday, December 31, 2006

Mystery Babylon Theater

II Thessalonians 2:7-10 "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved."
As I was typing in that familiar passage of scripture, the words "love of the truth" came to mind. If you're born again and you love the Lord, you must develop such a deep love for truth, that you'll pursue it unconditionally through prayer and study of the word of God. A desire to be rooted in truth that won't allow you to simply follow any teaching without checking it out for yourself. You'll develop a discernment as you wholeheartedly seek the Lord and seek to be in his perfect will. Taking a persons word at face value is dangerous to be sure.
The year 2007 just arrived in the eastern time zone of the United States. When I came out here to post, I saw a news headline stating "As 2006 comes to a close, the American death toll in Iraq reaches 3000." Three thousand souls who went forth, never to return. This number is small in comparison to the more than fifty thousand names that are etched into the Vietnam Memorial. Nonetheless, a soul is priceless. A single soul being lost is a tragedy. This situation in Iraq is growing increasingly unstable and our troops are caught in the middle of it. The prophetic significance is undeniable as the stage is being set for the man of sin to make his move.
As you read through scripture, one will often come across the question "when shall these things be?" This question is one that's repeated throughout the ages and is still asked today. Even in Revelation, when the fifth seal is opened, those in heaven who were slain for the word of God ask "how long O Lord, holy and true?" Several generations have believed themselves to be the last generation, so one might observantly ask "what makes this time any different than all of the other times?" One will contend that we've always had wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, floods, famines and a host of events that appear apocalyptic. While this is true, it's also true that there are a host of issues that set this generation apart from any other. Here's a few.
( 1 ) GLOBAL VILLAGE. The fact that the nations of the world is so interconnected into an economic colossus is very telling. Billions of dollars trade hands and shift from one country to another; not by physical means, but through a series of electronic signals that proclaim "we're the equivelent of this number of currency units." This global village is also demonstrated right here in the land of Blog. While I think it to be really cool to communicate with saints from other countries whom I'll never meet in this life, I also know that such an aparatus as the internet is a despots "dream come true." Everyone placing their innermost thoughts onto the web for all to see. Right now, it can be used to further the gospel or any agenda that one may wish to further. Eventually, it'll be used to "round up" the terrorists. At some point, christians will fall into the category of "terrorists."
Revelation 13:7 "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues, and nations."
It must be remembered that in this hour of temptation, we will be prevailed over in the physical realm. The trial of your faith works patience and a far more exceeding weight of glory.
( 2 ) YOU'RE ON CANDID CAMERA. I recently read a report that in the UK, the average citizen will appear on a surveillance camera an average of 300 times per day. I'm certain that the US is catching up as the department of homeland security implements the agenda of those in power. This doesn't take into account all of the camera phones that are in circulation. Years ago, (in the eighties) the police force in south Bend IN started up a program in which average citizens would receive a cash reward for information leading to the arrest of a fugitive. This sounds like a nice idea, and indeed it has been responsible for the capturing of thousands of criminals. This aspect is good, however, the very nature of implementing an "informant" mentality is unbelievably dangerous. With these camera phones everywhere that people are, there's no more privacy and I can only imagine a nationwide program such as the one in South Bend and a number of other cities. Big brother has eyes everywhere.
( 3 ) THE GOD OF FORCES. There will be the coming together of a world religion. Already the ecumenical movement and the general "can't we all just get along" mentality are moving this process forward. Pastors who place numbers in fron of accuracy when it comes to what they proclaim or to whom they'll bid godspeed. I remember reading recently about a church in the Pittsburgh area that invited a Muslim cleric to deliver a message. Truth has become a "thing of the past; a token of a bygone era" in too many instances. The one world religion will not be christian in any way. It will draw folks away from Jesus and will have great signs and lying wonders accompanying it. The lie will overwhelm those who know not God and obeyed not the gospel. In the book of Daniel we see a glimpse of this religious system.
Daniel 8:25 "And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand."
I think that this will be an earth-based wiccan style religion that will dominate the earth as "he shall cause craft to prosper." The groundwork for such a system is already done. Ours is a generation that's fascinated by "shock and awe." This fascination with incredible sights will be the undoing of millions. The antichrist and false prophet will have plenty of shock and awe as they put on the "show to end all shows." (The devil knows how to put on a show and draw a crowd.) It'll be like watching a supernatural fireworks display as the simple proclaim "Ooooooh! Aaaaaaah! WOW! Did you see that? Who can make war with him?"
Daniel 11:32 "And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits."
( 4 ) CHIPS AHOY. As if cameras in the corner of every public space isn't enough, the implementation of "chips" the size of a grain of rice is invasive to the uttermost. With these chips you will be able to take part in commerce, hold a job, get medical care for you and your household, unlock your door, start your car, keep your identity secure, and most of all; if ever, the government needs to find you, they'll know exactly where you are, every minute of every day. The time will come when without this chip, you'll be completely cut off from the economic infrustructure. The technological hurdles have been cleared and the programs are moving ahead at full throttle. You may say to yourself, "I'll never take that." I hope that you maintain this same resolve, regardless of the consequences in the physical realm. This is hard to talk about, but it is a prophetic event. I have four kids and I love them dearly as any father does. Nonetheless, I know that when the mark arrives; be it a chip or something even more invasive, you cannot take it. No matter what the cost is in the land of the physical. The Lord has given me peace concerning these events as I know that he'll never leave us nor forsake us. When the moment of trying arrives, his grace will be sufficient.
( 5 ) NEW WORLD ORDER / SHADOW GOVERNMENT. Our governing officials seem to speak increasingly with globalist rhetoric. It doesn't matter what party is in charge. This has been going on for some time, but during the past ten years, incredible leaps forward by the globalists have trabspired. David J Meyer talked about a visit to the cencus bureau website. It displayed the next cencus questionaire, and it asked questions such as "what time do you go to work? When do you get home? 72 questions in all concerning every aspect of life. The fine for partial or total non-compliance is $1000 per unanswered question.
One more observation before I fall asleep. (I can't fall asleep; I still want to post on if I can stay awake) Why is there a Luciferian all-seeing eye on the back of our dollar bill? I've always wondered as to why that symbol was chosen. Perhaps, the designers of the dollar bill finished up with their presentation when they saw a blank space that needed something. So they chose a Luciferian "all seeing eye." I cannot believe that this is a coincidence. While our founding fathers were mostly men who professed to be christians, there were also tares that sought a more sinister agenda. In due time, everything that was done insecret will be manifest in the light.
Well, time to go. Happy 2007 to all. I don't know what the year has in store, but I know that very soon, this illusion of peace and safety will come crashing down. When that happens, it'll be the wrong time to decide to stop following the Lord Jesus from afar. We all must strive to draw nigh unto him today and every day that remains. With this, I'll leave with one final verse.
I Peter 4:7-8 "But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

5:39 PM  

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