Silencing of the Lambs
I was, for many years, even before I became a christian in september of 1983, a neo-conservative. From my high school days clear up to sometime in 2002, I looked at the world through republican lenses and it was my duty as an American to work diligently to save the nation from the "evil liberals." (All have sinned but that didn't seem to matter.) This is an idea; the folly of which I noticed first during the days of Bush 41. When he made the comments about the "new world order" it disturbed me. I was even more disturbed when people at church would say words to the effect "don"t worry about it; he's pro-life." It was an attitude similar to straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel. Such a phrase as "new world order" represented a very dangerous way of looking at things, and yet we were so busy trying to beat back the" evil liberals" that we totally missed the bigger picture. Well we fast forward to 2001 and we find that Islamic terrorists have attacked the United States. We also hear the president utter two words that put the first chip in my neo-con armor and forever opened my eyes to that much bigger picture. Those words were "homeland Security." It sounded like a good idea and yet the red flags all popped up. As things developed we saw an invasive system unfold on our citizens while our borders were left wide open; which, in turn put still another chip in my armor, followed by the "shadow Government" revelation. This is the infamous program to ensure government continuity while hidden from the public view and is "eerie" to be sure. The potential for abuse is unfathomable. Then the reports of prisoner abuse. We called them "hostile combatants" and set them up outside the continental US for interrorgation. And yet most christians are more concerned with keeping the republicans in office because if the democrats get back in power, the "space-time continuum will certainly collapse!" Then we had overseas calls being monitered, a president determined to forge together this North American Union, and the so-called National Security Agency which is probably adding to my file at this very moment. We have absolutly NO IDEA insofar as how sweeping this agency is as there are no watchers to watch the watchers. Our system of governmental checks and balances is seemingly paralyzed. The conclusion is that we indeed have a police state manifesting itself before our very eyes. Yet most of us go on in the same pattern of being overcharged with the affairs of this life while the players of the end-time senario are quietly taking up their positions. One more seemingly insignificant event took place in 2002. It was the fallout from the Dixie Chicks remarks as they were lambasted as unpatriotic along with anyone who went against the administration. While I'm not a country music-type person and didn't agree at the time with the comments, they still had the right to make them. Something to think on; if you were in Germany in the mid 1930s and made a derogitory comment about Hitler, you would have been turned in most likely by an average citizen. This man had captivated the nation in a way not unlike the antichrist will captivate the whole earth; by offering all the answers when it seems that all hope is lost. Freedom of speech means the right to voice your opinion and in that year that concept seemed in jeopardy. The first order of business for an athoritarian style of government is to silence the opposition. In May of 2008, the real ID act will be fully implemented. Tracking the citizenry is another athoritarian concept to keep them under control. The beast system is upon us. This is an appeal to anyone who doesn't know the Lord Jesus Christ. The window of grace is closing. The time to turn to him is now; not tomorrow. If you repent (be sorry for and turn from) your sin and ask him to save you, he will do so. He went to the cross to pay for your sin. As for the saints, be prepared to be betrayed by family members, false brethren, neighbors and strangers. Have the word of God stowed away in your heart and your lifeline (your relationship with the Lord Jesus) secure. You may be isolated; having no contact with other saints. I'm sure that the internet will be down when it's convenient for the government to eliminate it. In fact I'm somewhat convinced that the only reason it's allowed to go on is to gather information on the citizenry. (Can you imagine what Stalin or Hitler would have been able to do if the internet had been around in their time? PRAISE GOD that it wasn't.) Stablish your heart. It sounds repetitive but it's a must as Jesus return is at hand and every eye shall behold him. As for my political thinking, I still think low taxes and limited government are sound policies. Abortion is still murder and when you've devalued life to the state that America has the hand of the Lord will surely be upon us for evil and not for good. Sin is still a reproach. I now am focused on the bigger picture rather than trusting in the shadow of Pharaoh (read Isaiah 30:1-3) to bring about social change.
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