Monday, November 06, 2006

The Last Vestiges of the Republic

Daniel 7:23-26 "Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end."
This passage of scripture tells us of the one world government that "will" be in place at the end of the age. The major events that you see developing are all contributing factors to facilitate the establishment of this "global empire." In a few hours, Americans will begin to participate in the mid-term elections. As is the case with every election cycle, there's been much speculation over who will be victorious and who will be defeated. Control of congress is considered to be up for grabs; a belief which has added intensity and nastiness to many of the contests. Power does strange things to people; regardless of the letter in parenthesis that follows their name. Another source of possible contention is "electronic voting" a process by which your vote is recorded on a chip and there's no written backup. If the voting machines should "crash," or be compromised by someone whose intent on altering the elections outcome, the actual count would be "somewhere in the Dieboldesphere." There's unparalleled potential for fraud, accusations of fraud, law suits, and demands for a "recount" without so much as a hanging chad to consider. If the machine indicates that Suzy Q received 10,000 votes and Guy Smiley received 9,999, then Suzy Q wins. It may well be that Guy Smiley received more votes, however, there's no way of finding them. No recount; nothing to verify the results. This will sound bizarre, but the best thing that could happen in this election cycle would be to have a total fiasco. To have such a complete meltdown of the election process that electronic voting would be given a permanent residence in the museum of bad ideas.
As I write this, I don't know what will transpire when all of the dust has settled. I think that the elections will be relatively uneventful. There will be accusations of fraud in various sectors, but they will go unreported, unverified, and therefore will never leave the arena of speculation. I expect that the electronic voting machines will "perform" well enough that their use will be expanded in 2008, if an election takes place in that year. (The end really is here) This non-traceable form of ballot casting; will ensure that from henceforth, only the "right people" will be elected. I think that for now, the republicans will retain a majority in both houses, however, it has virtually no impact on the present reality; that being the fulfillment of scripture. We are heading, step by methodical step, into a global government. According to scripture; a source with an accuracy rating of 100%, the whole world will "wonder after the beast." This will come to pass regardless of who emerges victorious from the 2006 elections as the system is already in place. You're interacting with a large piece of it at this very moment; that being the internet that Al Gore invented. It's the primary method for transferring currency all across the globe and you can be certain that every keystroke that you have ever made online is recorded somewhere. I'm certain that I have a file at NSA based simply on some of the "key words" that are repeated often in my posts. Without a doubt, they're making a list. They know who will comply with the "New World Order" and who will cause problems. Without a doubt, all of us have been profiled.
Recently, during a news broadcast, I saw a commercial that exemplified the ongoing conditoning of the population toward the idea of a "chip." It showed a very crowded cafeteria at lunchtime. Everyone was moving very quickly; getting their lunch, going to the cashier, swiping their credit card without stopping, and then heading back to wherever. Eventually, a guy comes up to the cashier and tries to pay with cash. This causes everyone else to stop suddenly and food goes flying in every direction; thanks to this "old fashioned dingaling." Already, our culture is well adapted to making transactions in the electronic realm in the form of credit. We are moving steadily into a cashless society and eventually, a "chipped society."
Here's something that I expect to happen as the final deception unfolds; although it's not by direct revelation. (It's a pondering) As you know, the garden of Eden, the serpent told Eve "Ye shall not surely die." He told the exact opposite of what was true. And as you know, Eve saw the tree; that the fruit was good and being wise seemed good also, she took of the fruit and ate. She also gave to Adam, who was with her and knew what was happening. (There are so many lessons in this account.) I expect a similar situation to transpire when the mark of the beast is instituted. The false prophet will say "this isn't the mark of the beast. This is a national security device. After all; either you're with us or you're with the terrorists" Folks will believe it as they will "need to provide for their families." In addition, it'll appear to be a logical way of ensuring ensuring safety as nobody will have to worry about their identity being stolen. If one of the kids comes up missing, why there's a big screen in a global monitoring center with a dot on it; telling the world where he is. Furthermore, I wonder how many of those who are waiting for a pre-tribulation rapture will fall for this deception. I can hear the arguement. "Well, this can't be the mark of the beast because that takes place in the tribulation and everybody knows that we're not going to be here in the tribulation." The teaching of a pre-tribulation rapture seems to become more dangerous by the day as it's embraced by almost everyone. This teaching, combined with a love for the trappings of this life and a general lukewarmness toward Christ makes for a spiritual "molotov cocktail."
Isaiah 26:20 "Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast."
We are at the end of the age. All of the events that you hear about are leading to the battle of Armageddon. Jesus Christ is coming and every eye shall behold him. Are you ready for that moment? Will you be among the elect gathered from the four corners of the earth or will you say to the mountains and rocks "Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?" Tragically, few are watching, even within the ranks of professing christians, and most will be taken totally by surprise when things fall apart in the physical world. Jesus warned us to eatch always, and yet most of us are overcharged with a world that's soon to be no more. I have to go fo now, but I'll put in some links that deal with some of the events of the day; primarily dealing with the new world order and related topics. Please use discernment as not everything on all of these links is 100% accurate. Nonetheless, there is much to ponder.


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