Thursday, June 25, 2009

Beneath the Indigo sky

Such moments are beyond description. While they are not dependant upon any particular set of perimeters in the ambience, I usually find them around the midnight hour while everyone else is vacationing in the land of Nod. I step outside this dwelling space which was fashioned according to the designs of another and venture into the silent night. The air is void of mechanical enhancement and pure; reflecting that which the Creator had ordained for the moment at hand. Overhead is a canopy that almost takes ones breath away. Untold millions of stars inhabiting the firmament; announcing to all with eyes to see that "God is." He fills the heavens and has positioned each one according to his perfect design.

Suddenly, all of the days campaigning to maintain an address in the land of the living becomes as nothing. The itineraries, the quest after wood hay and stubble, the choreography which the conformists to this world expect of us, seem like petty exercises that distract one from the issues of life. I raise my hands into the night sky; the hunger to be closer to our God is so intense that it's almost painful. The distain for those weights and sins that cause separation from the inhabitor of eternity becomes more pronounced. All that matters now, is to be close to Jesus. To let go of every shread of lusting and just abide in the presence of the Almighty. All other allegiances have been released as the undescribable peace of God permeates every part of my being.

Indescribable bliss. I could just stay here forever; abiding in the presence of the Lord Jesus, engulfed by a state of absolute contentment. Of course this would be very selfish. The citizens of this temporal world are in desperate need of the words of life which have been entrusted to everyone who is born of the Spirit. These times of refreshing in the presence of the Lord prepare us for the contests that lie ahead, while reminding us that our journey through the wilderness of sin is ever so brief. The trials and tribulations, the seasons of scarcity, the lonliness incurred by all who have determined to give their all, "worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory."

If tomorrow finds us here, there will be work to do. As we venture out across this alien terrain, we're certain to encounter priceless souls who know not the Lord. We're certain to come upon those who stand in want for basic necessities. We'll encounter eternal ones that have been severely damaged by hirelings who cared not for the sheep. The landscape is overflowing with broken hearts, broken lives and those who are at their wits end. Just as we once were before the hour that we first believed upon Jesus. But tonight, beneath this indigo sky, I stand before the Lord and sing with the tongues of men and angels. I stand as one who once was lost, but is now washed in the precious blood of the Lamb. Here in this secret garden, I loudly proclaim the sheer awesomeness that is the Holy One of Israel. "My God, How Great thou Art."

Blessings always in Jesus name.

Monday, June 22, 2009

"While He May Be Found"

Luke 16:31 "And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."

This is the final verse in the account that Jesus tells us of concerning a "certain rich man." (Luke 16:19-31) A man who fared sumptuously and had everything that this world had to offer, but never gave consideration for his Creator or that he would someday leave this world. He had the testimonies, the law and the prophets, but never believed beyond a theological comprehension, to the saving of the soul. As this post is read, that rich man, and countless others, are in a state of everlasting despair as the tender mercies of God will never pass their way again. They are conscious and mindful of the life that they once had and the decisions thereof. They remember every divine appointment which God arranged on their behalf during that brief time on the surface; compelling them to believe on Jesus, his only begotten Son. The memory of every invitation and the ensuing rejection will forever torment them, every bit as much as the unquenchable flames from which their is no reprieve.
Proverbs 14:12 "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.'
There are countless arguements that people will fill their mouths with that oppose the ways of life; some even going to incredible lengths to deny that God even exists. (Here's a question; if there's no hereafter, why does it matter what one believes?) It's just another phase of the age old phenomenon where people love darkness rather than light and as such they go out of their way to put God out of their memory. Rather than search the scriptures; sincerely desiring to know truth, it becomes easier to adapt the old idea that they were simply written by men and are full of contradictions. The initial verse mentioned in this post is astonishing. The rich man desired that someone would go and warn his brothers about their pending doom if they didn't turn from their ways. He knew that they wouldn't give ear to the divinely inspired word of God, but thought that, perhaps if a messenger came from the other side, they would consider. Not so, according to Abraham. The problem isn't the integrity of scripture; the word of God endures forever. The problem is that folks simply love darkness and have no desire to know the Lord. Not even a messenger from beyond would be able to persuade one who was so contrary minded.
And so, day in and day out, year after year, folks will continue in their delusions as they continuously work on their earthly kingdom. Buying and selling, learning and growing in prestiege, working feverishly to "arrive" but only to fine that the expected satisfaction has moved on to something else. Something that may or may not be obtainable. At verious intervals along the way, they are confronted with truth; be it a preacher, a tract, an ambassador for Christ who sees the bigger picture, or the unexpected death of someone close to them. (Ecclesiastes 7:1-2) Constant reminders that, this life has an end. Regardless of ones arguements or campaigns, the day comes when the final breath is released and the soul enters the realm of the everlasting. There is a day of reckoning in which time has expired and ones eternal abode has been forged. At the moment of departure, all of ones status becomes as nothing. The degrees of learning, the trappings, the memories of a comfortable life in this world lose all relevance. The only thing that matters is "does their name appear in the book of life?"
Revelation 20:15
"And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake
of fire.
The intent of this post is to bring to the forefront, the seriousness of this issue. Each of us are one day closer to our eternal reward than we were yesterday. Tomorrow is not a promise to anyone, but each of us will stand before a holy God. If ones sins have not been washed away by the blood of Jesus, there is no other remedy. This post is also intended to remind every saint, including its author, of what's at stake. We tend to unwittingly get caught up with the events of the day and forget that there are souls in eternity today who were alive and well yesterday. A soul who isn't reached today may not have another opportunity. May we all let go of those things in our lives that are of a frivilous nature and be about our Fathers business.
Blessings always in Jesus name.
Ecclesiastes 8:8
There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death; and there is no discharge in that war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it."
Isaiah 55:6-7 "Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon."

Saturday, June 20, 2009

It's Good To Be back

It's been almost 27 months since my last posting on this blog as my endeavors have been almost exclusively at GRACE COUNTY Operating two venues became something for which time didn't allow. It still doesn't, however, Lord willing, I want to bring this forum back into relevance.
Time is a limited commodity. Not only in the prophetic sense as we are witnessing scriptural fulfilment, but also in a natural realm. None of us are promised a tomorrow to be about our Fathers business in this world. Opportunities squandered today may never come around again. This truth would be all but unanimously agreed upon by all, and yet we live our lives as though this present reality will go on indefinately. The illusion of continuance has held up for as long as we can remember. (we're still here) While the have a logistical understanding that tomorrow may not find us here, this possibility doesn't register with our heart.
For those outside the ark of safety, it causes them to not consider spiritual matters such as "if I leave this world tonight, where will I be?" For the saints, it causes us to not take seriously the issues of life and death that confront us daily, such as the neighbor, the co-worker, the aunt, the nephew, or the girl next door who doesn't know Jesus. "We'll get to them" we tell ourselves as our adversary, the devil works feverishly to run ut the clock. As I kickstart what was my first ever blogging forum, I would encourage every saint to draw extermely close to the Lord Jesus, let go of every hinderance and seek to be in his perfect will.
Blessings always in Jesus name.