It's Good To Be back
It's been almost 27 months since my last posting on this blog as my endeavors have been almost exclusively at GRACE COUNTY Operating two venues became something for which time didn't allow. It still doesn't, however, Lord willing, I want to bring this forum back into relevance.
Time is a limited commodity. Not only in the prophetic sense as we are witnessing scriptural fulfilment, but also in a natural realm. None of us are promised a tomorrow to be about our Fathers business in this world. Opportunities squandered today may never come around again. This truth would be all but unanimously agreed upon by all, and yet we live our lives as though this present reality will go on indefinately. The illusion of continuance has held up for as long as we can remember. (we're still here) While the have a logistical understanding that tomorrow may not find us here, this possibility doesn't register with our heart.
For those outside the ark of safety, it causes them to not consider spiritual matters such as "if I leave this world tonight, where will I be?" For the saints, it causes us to not take seriously the issues of life and death that confront us daily, such as the neighbor, the co-worker, the aunt, the nephew, or the girl next door who doesn't know Jesus. "We'll get to them" we tell ourselves as our adversary, the devil works feverishly to run ut the clock. As I kickstart what was my first ever blogging forum, I would encourage every saint to draw extermely close to the Lord Jesus, let go of every hinderance and seek to be in his perfect will.
Blessings always in Jesus name.
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