Monday, August 07, 2006

There be some standing here

It is the one moment that all who love the Lord Jesus have been, and are, waiting for. That is when the trumpet sounds, (Matthew 24:29-31 tells us at what moment the trumpet will sound) the dead in Christ will rise and those who remain will be changed in a moment to incorruption and will forever be with the Lord. One thing that saints of all ages have had in common is to earnestly desire the Lords appearing. I Peter 1:10-11 states "Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow." In Genesis 49:10 we read where Jacob told of the time when Shiloh should come. The old testament is filled with prophecy of Christs coming and also of his second coming at which time he will set up the millenial reign on earth. Daniel asked the question in Daniel 12:8 "How long O Lord, what shall the end of these things be? If a person loves the Lord, they will also love his appearing. You could say that "How long O Lord?" is the question of every saint of every generation and if you don't ever contiplate it, some thorough examining of yourself is in order. To some, it may seem excessive or out of balance. The truth is, The return of Jesus Christ is to soon transpire. All of the wars; all of the earthquakes, climate changes and the abundance of iniquity are transpiring because this one event is at hand. Two things are in operation at this moment that will explain why there's so much turmoil in the world. First, the devil knows that his time is short and wickedness has been unleashed into the world like never before. All that you have to do is check into the news. (even the dumbed down American news) Here, you will see that the frequency of senseless murders, kidnappings and every form of evil that one person can inflict upon another has greatly increased. People seem to be "going nutty" and psychiatrists are busier than ever trying to apply physical solutions to spiritual problems. (When a person goes and kills another, that murder happened in the spiritual realm before manifesting in flesh.) The second thing is that the whole creation is groaning and travailing as Romans 8:22 tells us. This will increase in intensity. I've heard many so-called experts over the last few years tell "Oh, this is normal. We always have x number of volcanoes and x number of earthquakes and x number of hurricanes." They jump through hoops with an array of statistics in a vain effort to prove that "peace and safety" is still intact. The frequency has accelerated greatly to the point that you even see comments in the news at times. I remember after last years hurricane season there was a cartoon on the oped page of the paper. It showed a television with a weatherman on it. He was saying "Tomorrows forcast calls for a foot of frogs followed by lice, boils, locusts, hail, and darkness until the end of days" What I found fasinating is that people in the secular world seem to sometimes notice things while the saints who should be alert are oblivious to them. (Thus the term "biblical proportions") Well we need to stay awake in these times as they are treacherous indeed. Do you remember Simeon, told of in Luke? It was revealed to him by the Holy Ghost that he would not taste death before laying eyes on the Messiah. I imagine that he woke up every morning from that time on, wondering if that would be the day. He knew that it would arrive and it only stands to reason that he thought on it and searched scriptures concerning it continuously. People around him may have called him obsessive. (We've been hearing that for years.) Just like today and just as it was in the days of Noah. At some point in the future I'm thinking of a post entitled "betwixt". This will deal with our fervent desire to leave and be with the Lord, however having fervent desire for those whom we know are not ready to come to Jesus. I wanted to mention it now as it may sound contradictory to some. We know that when Jesus comes we shall be like him and we long greatly for that moment. Yet many (most) aren't ready and we desire that they would repent and give their heart to Jesus. If you don't know him, it's my fervent prayer that you would come to him.


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