The Armies of the Aliens
If there is one pitfall that one could consider to be the "mother of all pitfalls" it would have to be deception. The most dangerous element of deception is that it looks like truth; it makes sense to the natural mind. It goes down smooth and causes one to take comfort in something that's contrary to that which actually is. The bible is full of warnings concerning this and Jesus said that there would be false signs in the last days that were so convincing as to deceive the very elect. I was thinking on this and what may come to pass that would make the masses believe a big lie and totally disregard the truth. When I was growing up in the seventies, I was always fasinated with paranormal phenomenon. Anything from ghosts to the Bermuda triangle; bigfoot to extraterrestrials which were, at the time, my delusion of choice. I was unsaved at the time and it only stood to reason that among the "billions and billions" of stars that Carl Sagan spoke of repeatedly, there had to be thousands of civilizations. It also stood to reason that many would have the technological ability to reach earth and so I was convinced that we were being visited by reptilians, greys, and all the rest. First of all, there's one major problem with this. The bible states that God made man in his image. We are the only created beings inhabiting a fleshly body that were made in his image. So if you encounter a seemingly intelligent being that has a different image BEWARE! It's not who it says it is. I don't know for certain, but with all of the conditioning of the populace thats gone on throughout the last century up until now (Roswell, abduction accounts, etc.) I think that sooner or later, an incident of "disclosure" will be fabricated in which the existance of ETs will be wheeled out before the cameras of CNN and the rest. This would seem to disprove christianity once and for all and would seem to make anyone who still believes "that stuff" a backward thinking person in need of psychological help. The deception will be so lifelike that saying it isn't so would be like saying that the earth is flat. A christian who is weak in the faith would be incredibally vulnerable and an unsaved person wouldn't stand a chance. Again, I don't know if this is how the big lie will be manifest, however, I believe that it may be a piece of the picture. The devil is good at customizing lies to fit every need. Revelation 13:5-8 states "And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." In short, the antichrist will speak out against the things of God and the people of God and the whole world will believe it. II Thessalonians 2:9-11 states "Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie." These are the days that we live in. This is why I talk about it so much; because the end is here, now, and most people (even most christians) are completly unaware. Most christians have no problem believing that we're in the end times; so long as you talk in ambiguous terms which allow them to continue planning for retirement and engage in the accumulation of atoms. (material goods) They don't like the idea of it being at the door and they despise the idea that we may have to go through the tribulation. I wasn't planning to go here but it has to be stated. Daniel and Revelation both tell us about tribulation saints. The common thought is that either it's only talking about Israel or it's those who weren't watching and missed the rapture so now they will have to go to the gillotine to be saved. IF YOU CANNOT LIVE FOR JESUS NOW, HOW ARE YOU EVER GOING TO DIE FOR HIM THEN? I try to not dwell too much about this as it will soon be a moot point, but the pre-tribulation rapture is a dangerous teaching. Please pray and search this out for yourself. Don't take anybodys word at face value. Jesus said in Luke 21:19 "In your patience, posess ye your souls." Don't put your own eternity in the hands of another man. I can say for a fact that I have much more peace and contentment now than I ever had before. The pre-tribulation rapture doctrine appeals to the flesh (smooth things) but is contrary to scripture and contrary to the pattern that has exixted throughout history. It will cause you to not prepare your heart and to not lay aside every weight and sin. And finally, when you see Larry King interviewing the Reptilian commander, you'll be in danger of swallowing it "hook, line, and sinker." Please pray and understand the urgency of the hour. I don't mean to be a proverbial "broken record" but your eternal soul is priceless and if you lose it, you've lost everything. We are watching the final moments of this age play out before our eyes. Get close to the Lord and become sensitive to his Spirit. It's not just a matter of being victorious in this place; it's a matter of life and death. I pray that we would all use the remaining time wisely and draw closer to the Lord Jesus hour by hour and day by day. The old song "I Need Thee Every Hour" has never been more appropriate than it is now.
Hello again Timbob,
Pay close attention, profundity knocks at the door, listen for the key. Be Aware! Scoffing causes blindness...
What if the ancients were telling the truth about the fact that the so-called "anti-Christ" came during the second temple period, but religious followers have been deceived about the timelines and meaning of the texts they follow by those who created the New Testament (Rome)?
Daniel 7:25
And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
Now consider for a moment that the true "anti-christ" is an organization, not a single person, and came two millennia ago and determined that the best way to deceive humanity was with religion and the confounding of ancient wisdom. Now consider that they succeeded and the people of our time are so deluded that they can't discern the truth because of centuries of purposeful obfuscation of history and wisdom. Isn't it likely they'd be so misled that many would also be arrogant in their faith and smug in the belief that the messiah from Rome actually existed, though all independent evidence says otherwise?
Did you ever consider that Christianity is the False Prophet symbolized in the Apocalypse, that Rome (Vatican/Papacy) is the so-called anti-messiah, and Jesus Christ is the false messiah? I have produced stunning and comprehensive proof that this is the true interpretation of pivotal prophecies long confounded by Christianity's founders and leaders. Recasting the symbolism of earlier Hebrew texts as literal events in the New Testament is one of the central deceptions associated with Christianity.
Have you ever heard of Machiavelli? What better way to hide the truth than to divide people among three related but divergent religions (or other strong delusions) that each obscure the truth while claiming that each is the truth?
Want to see the symbol for the tri-part endless loop and logic-trap that such a three-part Machiavellian delusion forms? Ever seen a Triquetra?
Now consider how money, religion, and politics are inseparable because of the inescapable trap (bottomless pit) they form...
Here is Wisdom...
We are all trapped by a web of deception formed by money, religion, and politics. The great evils that bedevil us all will never cease until humanity finally awakens, shakes off these strong delusions, and forges a new path to the future.
Here is Wisdom...
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