Bells, alarms, buzzers, sirens, and whistles
This is not my usual blogging time but I wanted to mention a prophesy that can be read at (Click on the giant "Q" which will go to a listing of news stories.) Halfway down the list is a prophetic word on the second coming of Christ. While there are always things such as this in cyberspace and many on Steve Quayles website, this one really alerted me. It tells how the Lords return is closer than we realize and unimaginable perils lie ahead. This prophesy states how the bride of Christ must prepare herself for the days ahead as perils abound from false brethren and world calamities. (Sounde like Matthew 24) The middle east will erupt and persecution of the Jewish people which is already underway, will intensify. Anyone with ears to hear, PLEASE be aware of the times that we're in; it's going to get rocky beyond what you can possibly imagine but the people who do know their God shall be strong and do exploits as the book of Daniel tells us. Take to heart the parable that Jesus gave us of the ten virgins. Have your lamps full all of the time. When things fall apart in this world, you may very well find yourself isolated from those of like faith. You may very well have to stand alone. That's the wrongest time (I know that "wrongest" is not a word) to be carnal and unprepared. The Lord has been dealing with me on being serious these last few days and to not get sidetracked by things that are irrelevant in nature. The prophesy goes on to tell that the two witnesses are alive and preparing as are the 144,000. The antichrist is also alive and surrounded by his agents. The great falling away has begun; PLEASE KEEP YOUR HEART WITH ALL DILIGENCE!!! I know from experience what can (will) happen if you get negligent in the things of God. I also know that we are all being pressed out of measure at this very hour and we have to stand fast (fasting is a very good idea) and pray without ceasoing. There's nothing new in this post that you shouldn't already be aware of, but the urgency has NEVER been greater. Search your heart; lay aside every little weight and sin, and get as close to the Lord as you can. There's a false sense of peace and safety that has most christians in a state of slumber. We are too cozy with the world and way too involved with the affairs of this life. We have no continuing city here, but we seek one to come. Please let this sink deep into your heart. Please be sensitive to the Holy Ghost as things are moving fast and the days are being shortened. Look up; our redemption draweth nigh.
what does crazy feel like?
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