Sunday, August 13, 2006

Think on these things

When I come out here to post, usually I have no idea on where to go with it,and often when I do have a particular idea, I wind up on a rabbit trail far from where I initially intended. I have notepads of scriptures and ideas to talk on at some point. I write them down at work, in the truck and even while mowing the lawn. One thing that has been a real blessing has been a greater focusing on the things of God. I realize that very few, if anyone, will actually see it. Nonetheless, I pray over, and think on it, and this has helped to remain focused on the things that really matter during times of the day, (like at work) when it's incredibly easy to drift into a state of runaway foolishness. I have a "goof-off" problem and every day, sometimes several times a day, I have to reign it in. I also try to put things on here that any passer by can take and think on; something that will focus on the fact that "these things are all going to come to pass." Jesus stated that as it was in the days of Noah so would it be prior to his return. Any casual observer will notice that many folks today are just going about their business as though things are going to go on forever. Even christians who should have discernment on such matters get wrapped up in the mechanics of day to day life instead of watching and praying without ceasing. (Again, I'm as guilty as anyone else on this which is why it came up.) We get so wrapped up in our careers, our vacations, remodeling our desolate places (Job 3:14) landscaping our lawns, and most important, "what must we do to keep the republicans in office so that the space-time continuum doesn't collapse into a black hole?" We forget about the fact that at this very moment, there are souls in hell that, two hours ago, were walking, breathing, thinking about their careers, working on their lawns, and wondering" how can we keep the republicans in office?" Souls for whom Jesus shed his blood for; souls who didn't have to go to that place of perpetual torment. We (all of us; myself very much also) lose sight of the real battle; the principalities and powers that are working 24/7 to keep souls from coming to Jesus Christ; the only name under heaven, given among men whreby we must be saved. We all are overcharged with the affairs of this life to one degree or another. More than ever, we need to be soberminded and watchful as this age is coming to a close. This generation is being conditioned to receive the man of sin and we need to have our hearts stablished. You may possibly have to love not your life unto the death as Revelation 12:11 states. I know that sounds "scary" to some and it does make you think. It will also cause you to draw closer to the Lord and stablish your heart. In the days of the early church, and in most subsequent generations, following the Lord Jesus often meant losing your life. The idea that we're somehow "exempt" is not only erroneous, but dangerous. Jesus is coming! Prior to his glorious appearing the there will be unparalleled turmoil. If you're truly born again and walking in the Spirit, the Lord will be with you no matter what comes up. If you do indeed have to lay down your life he'll give you the strength to do so. I really believe that. Just read Stevens discourse. God hasn't changed; he's the same today as he was in the book of Acts, he's the same as he was when he brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, he's the same as he was when he laid the foundations of the earth, and he's the same as he will be in all of the eons of eternity. Psalm 46:10 is so very accurate as are all of the scriptures. It says "Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth."


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