Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Persians Be Upon Thee (and other thoughts)

I'm not sure exactly where this post will end up so let's see what happens. Several hours ago, I heard a CNN report that among some neutralized Hezbollah fighters there were also Iranian revolutionary guard fighters. The Iranians have been training, equiping, and assisting Hezbollah for years in anticipation of such a moment as this. Without a doubt, this conflict is ramping up and where it ends we can only speculate at this time. Anyone who is familiar with islam will have an idea as to why these nations and their proxy terrorist groups are behaving as they are. Almost daily, Iranian President Ahmadinejad makes references to the twelth Imam or Mahdi who is to return and the whole world will convert to Islam. (It's more complex than I've stated; this is a quick summary.) They also believe that the existance of Israel is a major hinderance to this and must be destroyed. this explains President Ahmadinejads repeated statements of "removing Israel from the map." They also believe that there will be massive upheaval prior to the return of the Mahdi who many believe will emerge from a well in the Iranian city of Qom. (I am by no means an expert on Islam so my comments are very general.) This is why they are involved not only in Lebanon but in Iraq where a cival war is raging and the eagle nation of Daniel 7:4 is bogged down. I had a thought on this earlier. Currently, the going is unexpectedly rough for Israel as they battle Hezbollah. Today was a deadly day for them in fact. Ezekiel chapter 38:4 tells how the LORD will put hooks in the jaws of the nations around Israel and bring them forth. I wonder if the enemies of Israel will gain confidence from this situation and that could be the mechanism by which the "hooks" are made manifest. We know what is eventually going to happen; the battle of Armageddon is going to transpire; the Lord Jesus Christ is going to appear and every eye shall see him. We watch the current events that are going on and know that it's leading up to the return of Jesus Christ. As mentioned in an earlier post, at this point of the prophetic timeline, no war or rumor of war is without significance. Saints, be watching and praying always. We know that the scriptures will come to pass, even though not everything is clear as to the exact way that it will happen. I pray for the saints who are in the midst of this conflict that the peace of God would be with them. That they would be a powerful testimony to those around, (do exploits) and that souls would come to Jesus; the one who shed his blood on Calvary for the sins of all. When things are falling apart as they are in Lebanon, Iraq and very soon here in the eagle nation that "sits a queen and is no widow" many will think on things concerning eternity. They realize that the arm of flesh cannot deliver. Of course there are also many who won't as Revelation 9:20-21 states. (This refers to when the sixth angel sounds and the four angels which are bound in the river Euphrates are loosed.) Clearly things are falling into place quickly. Two other things of note. Today, supposedly, a bunch of Sodomites are to gather and demonstrate in Jerusalem. This also is not without significance. Sodomy is an abomination as explained in Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:26-32. Displaying such unnatural and inconvenient behavior in the city where the Lord will establish his name is a recipe for swift destruction. God is not mocked. Also there are eleven Egyptian students who entered the eagle nation, but never reported to the campus in Bozeman Montana as they were supposed to. (Three have now been located.) We don't know how this will play out, however, it's odd that all eleven failed to report. Well it's almost 4:30 am here in Constantine MI. I was initially hesitant to give this location out, however, the government already knows where most of us are at and if you carry a cell phone on you, they can locate you by sattelite within 200 feet. (approx) No matter what happens here the Lord will never leave us or forsake us. He is faithful and true to his word.


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