My testimony in very condensed form
Greetings to anyone who may pass by. Tonight has been one of reflection. I work, second shift, at a plant which makes prop shafts and axles for General Motors, until the money fails. The work is by no means rocket science and one has time to ponder things. I was thinking about the journey; both past and that which is to come. The Lord Jesus saved me in September of 1983, on a Friday, at around 11:30 am. I was, at the age of 18, one really messed up midwestern farm boy with unbelievably screwed up ideas. Step by step he began to guide me into truth, through prayer, reading the word of God and varous preachers; primarily Lester Sumerall. I went into the navy in December (I'm super fast-forwarding here) and in June, I reported aboard the USS Guam in Norfolk Virginia. Two months later, I ran into Bro. Mark and found out that I was not alone on that ship. On a wednesday evening I went to a small pentecostal church with Bro Mark where, during prayer time before the meeting began, I received the baptism in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. The stagnation that had been setting in was over as the Lord endured me with power from on high. Of course I was still lacking in wisdom and a lot of growing lay ahead. We really had a good fellowship on the Guam and there was no doubt that the Lord had put me in a good place to grow. Tonight, I was thinking on all of the times that the Lord has put me in the right place at the right time; of all the times that he's undone my screwups; of all the times that he's had to get my attention when I started to drift. The most dangerous time was when I returned to Michigan in 1989 and began to get around old friends and backslide. I got into a condition that I wouldn't have thought possible just two years prior. I had a lot of spiritual pride before leaving Virginia and when I returned to my hometown, I was a disaster waiting to happen. Little by little, the stagnation got worse; just slow enough that I wouldn't notice it happening. In 1992, Kimberly and I were married. I love her dearly, and we've been together now for 14 and a half years. We have four kids and while our family is far stronger than most these days there were problems. Our oldest son is autistic and we went through a lot of financial turmoil, including a bankrupcy. I was backslidden and knew that the Lord was trying to get my attention. Well fast forward again (without getting dizzy) to February of 2004. I was in a spiritual state that I can only describe as "standing on the edge of a cliff about to lose my balance and fall off. When you're not saved, you probably don't realize it, but when you're backslidden, you know it every day. One night, I found my old church on the internet. That night, while in bed, I began to think about the old paths. I asked the question mentioned in Jeremiah 8:6 "what have I done?" The next day, while on my way to work, I repented of the backslidden state and asked the Lord to once again, straighten up the unbelievable mess that I had made. I can say without a second of hesitation that he has been more than faithful. I've had to battle doubt and I've had to deal with a lot of turmoil that never would have been if I had just remained faithful. I can also say that the last two and a half years have been more awesome than ever. I have learned to trust the Lord in ways that I never had before. I have learned that in whatsoever state I am in, therewith to be content. The "worrying problem" that I had never been able to shake before, is now gone. I have peace and complete restoration. The only biblical example that I can think of concerning the season of rebellion is when Nebuchadnezzar had the kingdom rent from him and he ate grass like the oxen until seven times passed over him. (that's probably not a good example) When the Lord restored me, it was suddenly, and I praise him for it. I don't know exactly how the end time senario will play out in detail, but I know that he'll be with all who have put their trust totally in him, regardless of how everything happens. The tribulation used to be " scary," especially the idea of going through it, but now I know that Jesus will be with us "alway; even unto the end of the world." And when trials come, as they will, his grace will be sufficient. It's kind of interesting. As mentioned earlier, I have a tendancy to goof off too much. At the same time, my affections are on things above like never before. This world truly is not my home and my biggest concern is that folks would come to know Jesus as their Savior. When you know Jesus and he reigns in your heart you truly learn how to "love your neighbor as yourself."
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