Monday, August 14, 2006

And he causeth all, both small and great

In May of 2008, the "Real ID act will go into effect. To the casual observer it will seem like little more than the latest in a series of identification such as drivers license, social security card, or any document that people use to prove that they are who they say they are. This card is sinister in nature far beyond any of the previous "preperatory" measures. Without this card, you will be unable to hold a bank account, drive, or travel. It will be required by anyone needing ID which means that you will most likely be "unemployable" without it. Do you realize what this means and how close to the "mark of the beast" we are? Your entire profile; your medical history, work history, any criminal information, everything about you will be on a little card. From there, it's just "one small step for man" to require it on a chip implant as to eliminate a whole host of problems such as identity theft, protecting the homeland, finding you whenever they want mean....if you should be kidnapped. (Yeah, that's it; kidnapped!) You and I have a decision to make; one that could have eternal consequences if we take a misstep. Is this the mark of the beast? Well I think that it's so close that we ought to err on the side of caution. This means that in 21 months, I will be unemployed. I will be unable to pay the mortgage or buy groceries for my family. In other words, the mark is no longer in an obscure "sometime down the road" context. You put this into perspective with the North American Union coming together and the economy merely one small step from collapse despite what the robots on CNBC tell you, and you can see just how close this is. If you're a born again Holy Ghost filled christian and you long for the Lords appearing, use the time wisely. (I'm talking to myself too) The arm of flesh is about to fail and we will have to depend totally upon God who created all things and can take care of us despite the physical environment that we may be in. By the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ I am determined to not take this card as I really think erring on the side of caution is far far better than saying "oops" Oops carries no weight in this matter. Settle it in your heart now what you will do. Stablish your heart just in case the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine contains a timing error. All of eternity is ahead. Information on this is available at "" and a host of other sites. The information here isn't new but the urgency of the hour is greater than ever. I urge you to spend time in the prayer closet and take this up with Jesus. He has promised to be with us always; even unto the end of the world.


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