Border of Destiny
Last evening on "Coast to Coast," Pat Buchannan was interviewed as he discussed his current book and talked about the need to secure our southern border. The fact that it's so porous and a spirit of lawlessness is permitted to continue unabated seems to make no sense whatsoever. I remember a few months ago when they discovered a tunnel in either Arizona or California. A relatively wide and well maintained tunnel that had been in play for a considerable amount of time. Without a doubt, there are others as the border with Mexico is approximatly two thousand miles long. The fact that the current situation is allowed to persist seems to make no sense unless you realize the bigger picture that's in play. Occasionally there's an arrest of an employer whose hiring illegal aliens, however, it's only a "show" to appear like the problem is being addressed. As stated earlier, I'm not one to jump on board every conspiracy theory that comes along, but this one is too blatently obvious to ignore. This is a piece of the globalist agenda to dilute the United States so that it'll fit into the emerging new world order. (It's the only thing that makes sense in this case.) Of course the victims are the average people on both sides of the border who are just trying to live their lives and provide for their family. (Pat Buchhannans book, no doubt goes into great detail on this and is titled "State of Emergency.") For the United States, wages are being forced downward, government spending is spiraling out of control and the country is being dissolved from within. This along with the gutting of our industrial base and the dumbing down of our youth is transforming this country from a once prosperous democracy into a police state. When the bottom finally falls out, just as it will on the international scene, people will clammer for someone to fix it. Enter the antichrist who will seem to have all of the answers. One of the most chilling things that I heard during the interview last night was when Pat Buchannan stated "this problem is creating a vacuum and any candidate for public office to offer to really address this issue would be a shoe-in" for being elected." (that's not the exact quote but close enough to get the point accros.) In other words, there is a "cause" that will make people accept the designs of the globalists in order to regain the livelihood that they see slipping away daily. This sounds like a wacky conspiracy theory, yet it fits together too perfectly to be cast aside as "just an overactive imagination." (Kind of like how the bible was written over a period of thousands of years and yet fits together perfectly and has never failed) Without a doubt the emerging one world government is coming to fruition before our eyes. Let me also state that the citizens of Mexico are being equally victimized by this situation. Most of the people crossing our borders are simply trying to better their lives. They have dreams and they have children whom they love dearly, just like Americans. Their government; instead of trying to institute an environment that promotes a working class, has instead resorted to producing publications instructing it's citizens on how to slip into the United States. These precious eternal souls are caught in the middle of a much bigger agenda as are the citizens of the United States. One thing to remember is that scripture will be fulfilled and each day, the picture becomes a little more focused. We can get involved politically, but more importantly, we can reach these folks with the gospel of Jesus Christ who shed his blood for all. We need to remember that this world is heading for Armageddon quicker than most people realize, but when Jesus makes a person free, they are free indeed. When you know Jesus as your Savior you have eternal life and that can never be taken away by George Bush, Vicente Fox, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jong Ill, (I know it's spelled "Il; I was being sarchastically accurate) or any other person who may desire to pluck you from the Fathers hand. It's my sincere prayer that through all of this turmoil, folks would come to know Jesus as their Savior. When it comes down to it, that's the one thing that really matters far more than any other.
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