As you enjoy your morning coffee:
Greetings in Jesus name on a Friday morning in which I have no idea of what to write about. A lot of things are on my mind, but locking onto just one is a chore. I sometimes wonder why I'm doing this as there are millions of sites here in Blogopolis. Nonetheless, it's fun and as I write things down, I find myself thinking on them more than if they just stayed in my head. My primary desire is to be an encouagment to others. (The world is ending! Oh thats soooo encouaging) To urge the saints to keep the faith, to warn the lukewarm to get right with God, and to warn those who are not born again that the window of grace is quickly closing and tomorrow is a promise to no man. To lift up the name of Jesus Christ; the only name given under heaven whereby we must be saved. It sounds like a very narrowminded viewpoint because it is a very narrow road that Jesus told us leads to everlasting life. This will shock most who read it, but the tragic truth is that most people will choose the wide road and not accept Jesus as their Savior. Most will go into perdition needlessly. So if you're a follow-the-crowd, keep-up-with-the-Jonses type, I would urge you to STOP! Really think about this; if your life ended right now are you ready to go into eternity? If a blood vessel in your brain should burst before you finish reading this blog, are you, in your present condition, ready to stand before God? It can happen just that fast. Do you remember 911? The fifth anniversary is monday. To me, the most horrific images from that day were taken after the planes had hit. In the windows above the impact sites, there were people waving shirts and towels to signal rescuers. Rescuers who never made it. These people went to work that morning to pay their bills, further their careers, work on their nest-egg and plan for retirement. None of them went to work wondering "What will I do if a plane hits the building?" Eternity is right around the corner from each of us and you never know when your next breath may be your final one. I am trying to be encouaging; my fervent desire is that you would know Jesus as your savior and have eternal life. I pray that it would hit home to you that your time in this life is very very brief and can come to an abrupt end with no warning. A few days ago, Steve Irwin perished in a way that nobody would have expected. For years people watched him narrate on wildlife from the most perilous of stages until it became routine. When you came into this world, you were alloted a specific number of days. You're using one right now and the countdown is on. If you go into eternity without knowing Jesus as your Savior, there is no remedy. Just ask the rich man in Luke 16:19-31. Please read this parable even if you haven't touched a bible in years. That rich man, who had everything that this world had to offer, is still in hell. He's been there for two thousand years with no hope of rescue because he didn't take heed to the word of God when he walked the earth. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT DECISION THAT YOU WILL EVER MAKE! Making a wrong career decision is a little mistake. The missteps that you might take concerning the things of this world can be worked out. If you die in your sins, or if you take the mark of the beast, (the mechanics are already in place) there's no tomorrow; only wailing and gnashing of teeth for all of eternity. Jesus came to save you from your sins, but the choice is up to you. I pray that you will invite Jesus into your heart today and that I will see you on the streets of the New Jerusalem when this age has ended.
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