Shadows in the Corridor
It falls into the "swallowing a camel" category, only because the media in this country is too busy reporting on "important issues" such as John Mark Karrs bizarre e-mails and therefore doesn't have time to talk about the road to ruin commonally known as the "North American Corridor." It's been kept very quiet for some time, but if you want to learn the details, do a google search and you'll be quite surprised by the designs that your government has for you and the land of liberty. (That's what we used to call this country when I was growing up) This "corridor" will be a twelve lane superhighway upon completion, beginning in Mexico, entering the US at Larado Texas, traversing the plains past Kansas City, up into Minnesota and finally entering Canada somewhere in the boundary waters region. It's another step to dissolve our sovereignty and meld the US into the iron and clay mixture known as the new world order. Currently, several local, seemingly unrelated construction projects are underway which will eventually merge into this corridor. My understanding is that containers coming from Mexico wouldn't have to go through customs until they reached a hub in Kansas City. (It's like doubling the length of our border with Mexico.) Truckers from Mexico who undoubtedly are paid less and have looser regulations concerning maintainence would be able to travel this highway all the way to Canada. I also understand that they plan to bring containers from China into Mexican ports and then into the "former United States." Upon reading further, I learned that they also plan other corresponding superhighways with the same regulations. One is planned to run from Brownsville, up through Houston, Memphis, Port Huron, and finally Toronto. (I69 corridor) Still another one is planned which will cross west Texas, go through the Oklahoma panhandle, run past Denver, and finally reach Canada. In a nutshell, (very nutty indeed) it will open the floodgates as more immigrants will be able to come here and more of our jobs will be able to go there. The company that I work for already has a plant in Mexico. We stay in business because our proximity to Detroit allows us to get parts to the General Motors plants quickly. With this corridor in place, the Mexican border will be only hours away instead of days away and our jobs will certainly go south. (But don't worry; Wal Mart is building a store in Three Rivers. We can all work there and help finance the Chinese military.) By now, you may be wondering why I'm thinking about such things on labor day weekend. Well first of all, I don't have to work tomorrow and as a result, I have excess blogging time. Second, it's just one more piece of the puzzle as the one world government is materializing before our eyes. Third, and most important, it means that the return of Jesus Christ is at hand. Daniel chapter seven tells about a one world government that will be in place prior our Lords return. Verse 23 reads like this. "Thus he said, the forth beast shall be the forth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces." This will be a global governing entity and everyone will be expected to be good global citizens by taking the mark of the beast. (so that they can protect you from the tribulation saints who shall be strong and do exploits) Think on this; the only time since the flood when there was a one world government was in Genesis chapter 11. After the flood, the earth was of one language and they settled in the land of Shinar. Here they began to build the tower of Babel with which they intended to reach heaven, but the Lord confounded their languages and they scattered. Since that time, there has never been a one world government. Today, we're moving to a global governing system and once again, the scriptures are coming to pass. The North American Corridor is a very ambitious plan to be sure, however, it's only a single piece to a far more sinister puzzle. In discussing these issues, it's my prayer that anyone who stumbles across this would be alerted to the times that were in. If you want fight this corridor in a political capacity, I wouldn't discourage you from doing so, however, know this; that scripture will come to pass and the best thing to do is get as close to the Lord and be sensitive to the Holy Ghost. Draw nigh to him and he will draw nigh to you. In Revelation 3:10, Jesus told the church of Philadelphia "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth." Being close to Jesus is the only way to stand in the days ahead. I pray that we would continuously abide in that secret place with the Almighty.
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