Sunday, September 10, 2006

Conspiracy Theater

I know that I posted only hours ago but I just have some quick thoughts to put down. It's now 12:05 am, which makes today September 11, 2006 or the fifth year since the 911 attacks. So much debate has gone on as to whether the government knew about it; was it an inside job, or simply a breach in security. These debates will go on as long as there is time remaining, just as the debate went on concerning the attack on Pearl Harbor; some saying that the government knew about that. Personally, I think that 911 was carried out by islamic terrorists who want to destroy us and are, at this moment, gathered in various locations throughout Waziristan, Baluchistan, and the various other "stans" I won't say conclusively as none of us can really know the depths of wickedness that exist in our government. In reality, it's a moot point; especially to those who are in eternity at this moment as a result of the events that transpired on that day. There is, by the way a colossal conspiracy going on at this moment thats bigger than the new world order, bigger than islam, bigger than any military entity; in fact, it's bigger than all of the conspiracy theories all rolled into one. The fact is that there is a devil who's walking about seeking whom he might devour. His time is running out and he's preparing the final "big lie" that will deceive the whole world. He used Saddam Hussein, He's using Bin Laden, he's using the apostate church with it's fleshtone doctrines, he's using peoples fascination with dark sentances, he's using every tool in his arsenal to prevent people from giving their hearts to Jesus and being saved from eternal torment. He's out to oppose all that is God and those who love God. So while a lot of the horrific events that are taking place in the world have no physical connection, they have the same father. The devil is the father of lies. He convinces muslims that they're serving God by blowing themselves up along with innocent bystanders and he convinces westerners that there's nothing wrong with the Harry Potter series because it portrays good defeating evil. He convinces the intellectuals that they have the mysteries of the universe figured out and that everything has a natural reason for being as it is. He convinces masses of people that they are "good folks" who just mind their business and obey the "golden rule." He convinces homosexuals that they were "born that way" and he tells scores of ladies that it's "their body; their choice" concerning abortion. The whole world is straining at an array of custonized gnats while hell is enlarging itself daily as people go into eternity without knowing Jesus Christ as their Savior. Nobody has to go to a devils hell. Jesus paid for the sins of all when he shed his blood on Calvary. But when a person doesn't accept him as their Savior, they have to pay for their sins themselves and nobody can do that. So today, on September 11, 2006, you'll undoubtedly hear all kinds of conspiracy theories which generate questions and suspicions, none of which will even scratch the surface of the spiritual war that's driving the events of the day. Very soon, it's all going to come together. There will be a one world government in place and the picture as to how it's going to transpire becomes a little more clear each day. Please read Matthew chapter 24 where Jesus told about the perils of the last days. I was going to paraphrase but you just can't paraphrase this chapter properly. Please read it if you have never done so. Take it to heart as this is an age of incredible delusions. Don't take the words of any person, be it a preacher, professor, news reporter, or anyone at face value. Search the scriptures and ask God to reveal his truth to you. Jamse 1:5 states "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." Jeremial 33:3 states "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." If you seek God wholeheartedly, he will reveal his truth to you. His word is truth. The bible was recorded by several individuals over thousands of years and yet it all fits together perfectly and it has an accuracy rating of 100%. Well, I'll be going for now. I pray that you'll take these things into consideration and seek the Lord while he may be found.


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