Saturday, September 09, 2006

Suddenly: Last Autumn

Officially, summer doesn't end until September 23, but for most Americans, the fall season has already set in. School is back in session where our kids are indoctrinated with sensitivity training and and a new age perspective on everything. Soon the weather will cool down, homecoming games will be played, and halloween will be celebrated by millions who have no idea as to the dangers of emulating the forces of darkness. Even churches get into the act; only they call them "harvest celebrations." The arguement goes "well we have to offer people an alternative." I really don't think that being like the world is going to change the hearts of men. Since it's an election year you can expect political bantering to reach a fever pitch as the electronic voting machines with no paper trail are prepared to record the will of the new world order I mean...the citizens of this country. (I'm sorry if I sound a little negative. I see a lot of issues that are sweeping away the last vestiges of the republic and sarchasm seems the only way to draw attention to them at times.) Soon thanksgiving will be here, which is supposed to be a day of giving thanks to God, but instead is little more than a marker to usher in the "shopping season." We proclaim to the world that we are a "christian nation and we supposedly celebrate Christ coming into the world, but he is the farthest thing from the minds of most. (The virgin birth of Jesus is an intregal part of the gospel and should be remembered 24/7. Jesus Christ is God. He was in the world, the world was made by him and the world knew him not. He took upon himself a body of flesh, was tempted in all points as we are and NEVER SINNED! That's why the virgin birth is so important.) Todays holiday celebrations have nothing to do with the gospel and if you would like some enlightenment, do some research on the word "yule" to see what it really is. Folks sing "yule tide carols" and have no idea of what they're talking about. This post has already gone in an entirely different direction than what I had originally intended but the next few months; barring any history altering events, will be a time of nonstop running to and fro for most. The enemy has people running in circles and jumping through hoops. Financial stress is tearing apart marriages, kids are more rebellious than ever, people are more concerned with entertainment than they are the issues of the day, and folks go through the motions of life similar to a robot performing a specific task over and over. Daniel 12:4 reads "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." Such is the age in which we live. The plant that I work at has CNN headline news piped into all of the breakrooms and is on continuously. Recently, there was a commercial for a credit card. It featured a guy who was out jogging; in fact, he never stops jogging during the commercial. He dashes into a convenience store, runs to the back, picks up a drink bottle, runs past the checkout counter with his credit card out, the scanner reads it, and he's on his way. If that doesn't strike you as being just a little ominous, you need to be jarred out of your slumber. We're moving so fast that we just swallow anything that comes our way as little more than just the "latest convenience" or the "coolest gadget-oh I have GOT to have one!" As you study the bible, it appears that the antichrist will come on the scene when it looks as though all is lost. He will set himself up as the savior of mankind and the world will literally "wonder after the beast." The conditoning of the populace is nearly complete and the only thing lacking is a "cause" to finally throw it all into high gear. A one-world beast government is only a terrorist plot away. One nuclear detonation in an American city would be all that it would take. One recurring theme that you hear on the news is a constant drumbeat of "are we protected enough?" Why isn't the administration doing more to protect us from terrorists? Why is our border wide open? These are questions that don't have physical answers because they are the product of a spiritual conditon called "the mystery of iniquity". As has been stated so very often, the time to get right with the Lord is now. There may not be a tomorrow as such is not a promise. Soon the psudo-peace and safety will be gone and that's no time to be without the Savior. Jesus will save you if you'll just call upon him. I write about some unpleasent things because I want to alert any passer-by to give their heart to Jesus before it's too late I write such things because they're coming to pass NOW; not at some ambiguous point in the distant future. I urge you to get into a right standing with Jesus while there's still a chance to do so.


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