The Globalists be Upon Thee
Before reading this post, please check out the following link. This article talks about the shadow government that is bringing the United States, Canada, and Mexico into a single entity headed by a "North American Government" It will bring to light the designs of those in high places with sinister motives. Our laws will be altered to mesh with those of Canada and Mexico and the constitution will be downgraded to a "historical document" with no authority. While Americans are busy playing golf, playing church, watching "American Idolatry" climbing corporate ladders, planning for retirement, waiting for a pre-tribulation rapture, and basically living the American dream, "the last vestiges of the republic are being swept away." (to paraphrase a line from first "Star Wars" movie) Global government is upon us NOW; not at some ambiguous point in the mists of futureopolis. I have other posts that mirror this one but it's important enough to rehearse; not to cause fear (unless it's fear that brings you to repentance) but to alert anyone who may read it as to the lateness of the hour. PLEASE SHAKE OFF the spirit of slumber that has gripped so much of the world today. Please pull your head out of the sand and see what's transpiring; what must transpire in the last days as this age is approaching its conclusion. The bible tells us about the perilosity of the last days and we are living it in "real time". You really can't fight against the things that are coming to pass, but you can get close to Jesus. You can abide in the shadow of the Almighty who will always be with you and whose grace is sufficient for you. If you're not born again, DON'T PUT IT OFF ANOTHER SECOND! Please give your heart to Jesus while time remains. Time can run out without warning. As I write this post, I'm simultaneously listening to an interview with Jerome Corsi of He has mentioned some other sites that tell of the things that are coming to be. As ambitious as this scheme is, it's merely a small portion of a far bigger picture; a most diabolical plan that will lead to the beast government. tells about the Trans-Texas Corridor which will eventually become the North American Corridor; the routes for which can be viewed at This massive corridor is designed to further desovereignize the nations of the North American continent. Saints; please take heed to I Peter 4:7. PLEASE stop playing "donkeys and elephants." Please lay aside every weight and sin. I find my spirit rejoicing in the Lord; not that things are going to get unbelievable dicey, but because Jesus is coming and these events mean that his return is near. In the last couple of days, some events have taken place at work which could put the plant in danger of becoming an empty building. That would mean economic disaster for my family along with many others. Yet I have the joy of the Lord as I know that he will sustain all who truly love him. My affections are on Jesus; not this world. As Paul wrote in Philippians 4:11 "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." He also wrote in I Timothy 6:6-8 "But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and rainment let us be therewith content." A short while ago on "Grace County" I posted about following Jesus; not following man or things of this life. To truly seek him and love him more than anyone or anything. He loved us when we were lost and undone. He came into the world to seek and to save that which was lost. I pray that we would love him out of a pure heart and worship him in spirit and in truth. Look to Jesus and don't worry about the storm. Then; while mens hearts are failing them for fear as Jesus said will happen, you'll have the peace of God that passes understanding.
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