A Song in the Night
I try to keep track of current events as much as possible; not because I'm over-concerned by this present world, but because I long for the world to come. Those sound like the words of a man who'se beside himself. It means, simply stated, that I long for the return of Jesus and as things come together in this world, regardless of how perilous they may be, it means that his return is drawing nigh. Sometimes we overstep and apply events to certain scriptures which have no connection at all. We still see through a glass darkly, but we know that the word of God will come to pass and Jesus warned us to "take heed" in these final moments of the age. Even though I expect things to fall apart soon, I have a song in my heart that won't go away. It's the peace of God that truly passes all understanding. Last week, at work, we learned about some of our product going to Mexico and our build numbers being down next year. This could mean layoffs and things in the natural could get "ugly in a hurry." I still have that song; in fact it became stronger. Our life is in Christ and we are his workmanship. I have decided in my heart that no matter what transpires; even the loss of everything in this life, my affections are on things above. I love Psalm 91:5-7. It reads "Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee." The whole psalm is awesome but you see in these verses that regardless of whats going on around you, God will always be there and things will be alright. Think about this; something so devastating that it causes ten thousand to fall; ten thousand that are right next to you. But God sustains you. I'm serious; the peace of God makes no sense in the natural realm, but it's very real. It's also very essential in these times as we're soon to see things transpire that we can't even imagine. That song in the night that comes from the Lord Jesus will still be there because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. I have found myself lately with this supernatural song; sometimes it's humming, oftentimes it's in the Spirit, but it's there and it's ever so sweet. I really believe that things are about to fall apart real soon. I may be wrong on this, but I will be somewhat surprised if the November elections take place. (They're irrelevant anyway with the onset of electronic voting that has no paper trail.) As mentioned in the last post on wordpress, from here on, things will never be the same as they once were. This isn't a crafty fear tactic; it's truth. It would be far easier to proclaim peace and safety like everyone else, but it would be erroneous. If', however, you know Jesus, you have his eternal peace that nothing in this world can take away. No matter what they do to you, they cannot touch your soul and they can't pursue you past the grave. Job 3:17-18 reads "There the wicked cease from troubling; and there the weary be at rest. There the prisoners rest together; they hear not the the voice of the oppressor. Just a small rabbit trail here for a moment. If Job had never gone through the fiery trial of his faith, we never would have heard about him. Because of that trial that Job went through, not only was he proven, the ordeal was recorded, and today we can share in the wisdom that God gave him. I know that we live in a "feel good" generation that equates gain with godliness, but trials are very necessary. They forge us into the image of Christ; we learn patience and to just trust the Lord that he will meet every need. I like the example that Jesus gave us concerning the sparrows; how God feeds them. We have two finch feeders in the front of our house. Even when the feeders are engulfed by yellow finches and the seed is practically gone, they never stop singing. They don't worry about things and if I should neglect to refill those feeders, they just go elsewhere. I've never seen an apprehensive finch. (or a skinny one) Simple trust; the concept is so very simple but learning to act on it takes continuous prayer and study. Well I"ll be going for now. I started a second blog on wordpress and it's my intent to keep them both updated as much as possible. (in the links list as "Grace County") Praise the name of Jesus!
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