As it was in the days of Noah
This has been on my mind all morning. My wife and kids are out taking care of some business, so I'm cleaning the house wlile listening to Alexander Scoulby reading in the book of Luke. (Well, I was cleaning; now I'm blogging.) If one thing has really been on my heart lately, it's the importance of serving the Lord Jesus wholeheartedly. Holding nothing back not taking into consideration the opinions of others or the "best laid plans" for this life. (Remember Lots wife.) We live in a time of incredible spiritual slumber as everyone is busy pursuing the things of this world. Last night I was talking on how it's just as it was in the days of Noah, so it is now. I can't seem to emphasize enough how important it is to not be caught up in the rat race; to not allow the present world to captivate and overwhelm us. The great falling away is well underway; yea is nearly complete and there's an incredible temptation to just "go with the flow." We need to have a vision of the world to come; we need to have the word of God planted firmly in our heart; we need to keep our heart with all diligence; we need to stablish our heart now that we may stand and not faint when the physical realm becomes unbearable in the natural. We all know these things; they;re preached on all the time, and yet we succumb to the spirit of slumber way too often. We seem to struggle to "watch one hour." I don't mean to ramble, in fact, the last three posts are somewhat rambling (not to mention that all three are less than twenty four hours apart.) The urgency is so thick; the days are so full of deception; our generation is so caught up in entertaining themselves. How's this for insanity? The manipulators in hollywood will fly some average people out to an island. They script out a senario whereby they cause them to lie and cheat on each other to receive a prize and they call it "reality tv" That has to be the mother of all oxymorons. The whole culture is obsessed with material gain and entertainment. Meanwhile the church is for the most part, asleep also and the devil is walking about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. I don't know why this secular example came to mind and I'm sure that the song has an even more sinister message than what I'm about to say. I remember as a youth, a band called "The Police" and the words in the song "Sinchronicity" (I think that was the one; it was a long time ago.) The song depicts the hectic life of an average suburban British family and the stress of with living day to day. Then the chorus goes "Many miles away, something crawls from the slime, in the bottom of a dark Scottish Loch." Each time the chorus is repeated, the creature is closer until finally he's at the door. In all of these years, I never thought of the ominous message in those lyrics (I don't listen to any secular music but I remember this from when I was a teenager..) The antichrist is ready to step onto the world stage and the whole world will wonder after him. (The true saints of God will recognize the delusion.) Currently, everyones busy worrying about bills, squabbling with their spouse about nothing, and watching a steady diet of "reality tv." They will be caught completly off guard when everything comes to pass. We've all heard it time after time to the point where "dullness of hearing" has set in, but Jesus is coming; just as he told us. The days preceeding his return will be filled with unparalleled turmoil and we have to do as I Peter 4:7-8 reads. " But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins." Well I've blogged as long as I can for now. Please draw ever closer to the Lord Jesus as his return is at hand.
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