Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A Wake Up Call to One and All

Lately, the Lord has been granting me victory over some of the runaway foolishness that tends to be a problem for me, (confess your faults) primarily at work where over 900 people are employed; most in need of Jesus. 900 people,many of whom, if they should go into eternity before returning home again, wouldn't be ready. This sobering assessment was taken to an entirely new level for me yesterday afternoon when I read the testimony of a sister named Aline Baxley. Before continuing here, I would ask that you read her testimony at At the age of forty, she had an accident and was in a coma for days with severe injuries. During this time she saw hell "literally" and she saw the death angel who, at the command of God will separate one from life forever. She was literally "standing on the brink" Her story is one that should wake up every saint of God as to the urgency of the hour and every sinner as to the dangerous game that they are playing with their eternal soul by not accepting Jesus as their Savior. We all get sidetracked by the physical world; the one that we can see and put our hands on. This sisters testimony was a real awakening to me and the Lord brought me to a new level of seriousness with it yesterday. Of the many aspects from this testimony which struck me, one was how Alines mother and sister were interceding fervently for her during the days that she was in a coma. We tend to take prayer way too lightly and yet it's our lifeline to Jesus; our direct communication link to the throneroom. Through Christ you can move mountains and break down strongholds. I'm as guilty as anyone about not interceding for those around me as often as I should and this situation simply cannot be left unaddressed. A soul is priceless; a persons soul is eternal and everyone will stand before God. We are surrounded by unsaved people who are created in Gods image. People for whom Jesus died; people who are unaware of the perilosity (I know that perilosity isn't a real word) concerning their situation. It amazes me that even folks in the nursing home where my dad is residing have no consideration of eternity. All of us are merely "one heartbeat away from eternity", but the folks in the nursing home have run the gamut of physical life and yet most give no thought to the neverending world to come. My dad is not saved, he's suffering from dimentia, and the temptation is to give up, but we CANNOT GIVE UP ON THOSE WHO ARE HANGING IN THE BALANCE. We have to take the job of intercession very seriously and be always ready to give an answer to any man that asks of th hope that is in us. My dad is still alive and I know that God can reach him even in his current condition. There are souls in hell today that were not there yesterday. Those souls have no remedy; they neglected the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ during life, and finally, their time ran out. The time that we have in this life is fleeting and can come to an end with no warning. (Like the phrase "he never knew what hit him") My household is not ready for eternity and it weighs on my heart greatly. We have to stand in the gap; even when they turn on us and seem to run in the complete opposite direction. I remember my pastor telling about their youngest daughter. When she was seventeen, she took off and went to California. The only thing that he could do was to pray and trust God; (who is God in California too) to reach her heart. That was years ago, but things worked out and today she's serving the Lord and longing for his appearing. Always remember the parable of the widow and the unjust judge that Jersus gave us in Luke 18:1-8. Also remember James 5:16 which states "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" To be in a continuous state of prayer and intercession for those around us; for those who don't know Jesus and also for the saints who are engaged in the very same types of battles as we are. This morning, I praise God who has brought me to a new level of sobriety in the past 21 hours. Last night, I could not get sister Alines testimony out of my mind and I also received some direction on things to be doing now; as the final moments of this age play out. The time to be strong and do exploits is upon us and we must be about our Fathers business with urgency like never before. Praise the name of Jesus Christ; our high priest forever, who is able to save us to the uttermost seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for us. We all need his uttermost every hour of every day. (Please read Alines testimony.)


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