Monday, September 11, 2006

In a Dry and Thirsty Land

Amos 8:11-12 is frequently quoted. It reads "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD: And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it." It's amazing that this country seems to be completly given over to idolitry with thoughts of the God who created all things being the farthest thing from the minds of most. We have a church on almost every corner of every town and so called "megachurches" are springing up in every metropolitan area with enough glitz to rival the largest malls. You would think that this is a very christian nation, and yet this country has never been farther from the Holy One of Israel. Most Americans spend their entire lives obsessing over the acquisition of wealth, accumulating toys, and pursuing ways to entertain themselves. Do you know what a pastime is? (like baseball is the great American pastime) Websters dictionary describes it like this. "Something that amuses and serves to make time pass agreeably: DIVERSION" It's something that you do that doesn't accomplish anything other than to keep you from being bored while time is slipping away. A person who doesn't know Jesus will do anything and purchase as much stuff as possible, as they try to fill the emptiness inside; the void that only God can fill. The old saying that "money can't buy happiness is as true today as it was when someone first coined the phrase. What amazes me is that many professing christians behave in the same fashon. (Once again "posessions are not a problem but when they become "idols" and take the place of God, it's a huge problem. The more posessions that you have, the greater the danger of this happening.) So much preaching today centers on the assumption that gain is godliness that you almost never hear anyone talk about repentance or keeping your heart with all diligence. Striving to enter in at the strait gate as Jesus told us we must do has become "out dated" in the eyes of many. I read somewhere today that most of the christians in this country are "babes" as they haven't been receiving a balanced diet of the word of God. Colossians 2:8 reads "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." This is happening today and as a result, you have a grievous famine in the land. Then it's further enhanced by the teaching of a pre-tribulation rapture doctrine that's not only contrary to scripture, it's contrary to the pattern that has existed throughout the ages and it's causing millions to not prepare themselves spiritually. Most christians, in this country at least, are woefully unprepared for the days that are ahead. (once again, I wasn't planning to go here as I know that it's not well received, but here it is) What makes us think that we're any better than the apostles or the saints throughout the dispensation of grace? We seem to think that we're going to be sitting in our easy chair amidst our trappings and suddenly be out of here before anything happens that might be a "little disquieting" to the flesh. The second coming of Christ takes place immediatly after the tribulation according to Matthew chapter 24; not to mention scores of other verses. (Here's a question. Why do the days have to be shortened for the elects sake if the elect aren't going to be here?) I can tell you from my own personal experience, that when you understand this and allow the Lord to prepare you for it, you'll have more peace and contentment than you can imagine. (I used to be terrified at the thought of going through the tribulation) You began to see this world as a traveller whose only passing through. (which you are) It'll cause you to draw ever closer to the Lord and to just trust that he will indeed be with you always; even until the end of the world. (there it is again) I know that this is being rejected by most; in fact it's rejected by the church in Three Rivers where I fellowship. They love the Lord and we always have a great time in the Lord when we"re together, but I'm definatly the only one there (I think) that believes this. Sister Sharon had a dream recently, however, in which she had to go to a gillotine for the testimony of Jesus and I know that many have had similar dreams in recent times. A few days ago, while in prayer, I asked the Lord for a taste of the grace that would take one through such an event. I ended up in a state of peace and fellowship with him like I haven't experienced in a long time. HE WILL NOT LEAVE US. Just like he was there with Steven in Acts chapter 7. I didn't intend to go here; in fact I never set out to discuss this but it seems to come up anyway. The end times are not to be feared, unless you don't know Jesus. Then you will be very fearful. If you don't know Jesus as your Savior, please turn to him now. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.." That's I John 1:9 and it's for you if you will only ask. Please don't wait another day because eventually, there won't be another day.


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