Attitude adjustment: Thank you Jesus
This morning, I awakened in an "out of sorts" kind of mood as the normal hectic schedule that I have was compounded. It's almost as if the enemy sometimes is just waiting for you to gain consciousness so that he can pounce upon you before you're even awake. This morning was no exception and I let some things get to me initally, but completed the additional tasks. (although I still have a few more to do before going to work at the chariot of Egypt) I then fed the goats and resorted to the back room of the barn, which has become one of my favorite prayer closets. I remembered, once again, the importance of not losing site of the real battlefield. It's not with family members or anyone in this life. It's with the devil, who'se trying to keep people in darkness. He uses everything in his bag of tricks to keep those around us from coming to Jesus and he does everything that he can to neutralize us. He knows where to strike and when. After prayer this morning, my focus is back where it belongs; serving the Lord and standing in the gap for the souls all around me who aren't ready to stand before Jesus. We must walk in the Spirit continuously and allow the love of Jesus to work through us. To have true compassion for those with whom we cross paths daily with a love that's untarnished by vainglory and self serving motives. That ultruistic love for our families,our friends, and everyone that we come into contact with no matter how contrary they may be. Once again, we have to keep our affections on the world to come and understand the situation that's before us. Well, I have to go take care of another errand, but I thought that I would take a moment to "powerblog" while a few minutes was available.
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