Friday, September 15, 2006

Beating Around the "Bush"

Greetings in Jesus name. I find myself very short of time but I wanted to comment on this. It all points to the return of Jesus Christ, who will establish the millenial kingdom, wherein will be peace and righteousness. The turmoil that he told us of, that would preceed his appearing, is coming to pass. The last couple of days have seen much debate concerning our presidents desire to "sidestep" the Geneva convention; another indicator of the alternate agenda that's in play. As you watch this and a host of other events, you begin to realize that the days of playing "donkeys and elephants" are long gone. The diversions of the political arena serve primarily to occupy the minds of an unsuspecting public. (Speaking of "unsuspecting public", the REAL ID ACT is scheduled to go into effect in May of 2008. The parallels between this and the mark of the beast are ominous.) There are so many "causes" going on right now. The war on terror, is indeed, an ongoing battle with those in the islamic world who want to destroy us. At the same time, it's being capitalized on by those with a globalist agenda such as our president. I'm not one to jump on every conspiracy theory that comes along, but why are we leaving our southern border wide open? Why are there plans in place for the North American Corridor? Well for one, it will help to merge the US into a global entity. It'll eventually drain and destablize the "lone superpower" just as the situation in Mesopotamia (Iraq) is creating excessive stress on our military. (The eagle nation of Daniel chapter 7 is bogged down along the banks of the Euphrates.) If you know Jesus; don't let these things alarm you. No matter what happens in the physical world, don't stress out. Remember Psalm 91, and Psalm 46. I read a blog today that really caught my attention and ties in with the present situation. Please pray over it and read it. It's To be alert in these times is of utmost importance. Again, I only talk about these things as to draw attention to the times that we're in and the soon return of Jesus Christ; our Savior and King who is coming for a bride without spot and blameless. May we all lay aside every weight and sin and strive to be in continuous fellowship with him. Well I know that I've hopped all over the place in this post, but I just want to sound the alarm in any way that I can that this age is quickly drawing to a close. I have some other things on my heart but will wait until after work; unless the NSA brings down the internet because they've completed their "lists" of the citizens. Saints of God, please don't get discouraged by what you see and hear. We have an inheritance incorruptible with Jesus who gave his life for us that we could dwell with him forever in a world without end. This is no time to be discouraged. The tears flow for those around us who don't know Jesus and we pray fervently for them. We strive to put away the old carnal nature that we may be used of the Lord to reach them. But we must not let this world get to us. This week at work, I found out that some of our product line is going to Mexico and our build numbers are going down next year. Praise God! He can keep the plant open if he wants, or he can shut it down tomorrow. I just pray that his will be done and I know that he'll never EVER forsake us. My affections are on the world to come and my primary concern is that folks would turn to Jesus before time runs out. Well I really must go; I'm late. I'll address any spelling errors tonight and I plan to post again tonight also. See you then.


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