Friday, September 22, 2006

Elephants, Donkeys, and the Fourth Beast

A lot of speculation goes on, even on this site, as to the intentions of President Bush. He claims to be a christian and to be a defender of the American way of, as would any person running for the lands highest office. The variance of opinion ranges from those who support him wholeheartedly and believe everything coming from the administrations spokespersons to those who call him an antichrist. As for me, I don't know what's in the mans heart and I would be very careful to make bold allegations without solid proof; especially concerning the latter. Nonetheless, a globalist agenda does seem to be very much in play as the North American Corridor is moving ahead, the border issue is being addressed only because elections are at hand (and nobody controls the electronic voting system yet) attempts are being made to sidestep the Geneva Convention, and his invovement with the skull and bones. Being a member of a secret society such as that indicates a secret agenda. (That means that very few people know about it; only those within the secret societal structure.) If this isn't ominous enough, just visit the following website. Remember Bill Clinton; our smooth talking president during the last decade? This "caring, peaceloving man" who wants to make the world a better place (enter peaceably) is pursuing a globalist agenda that's second only to the United Nations itself. If you remember back, he is a manipulative individual and his political opponents struggled daily on how to handle him. In 1994, it looked as though he was done for when the republicans took both houses. For the next several years, technology was transferred to China via the Loral Corporation, Chinese funds made their way into his reelection campaign, and nobody paid any attention to these serious issues because the entire country was obsessing over the imfamous blue dress. (enough said about that) One could almost argue that the Monica Lewinski (or whatever her name was) scandal was an intentional divertion to keep the country in perpetual "soap opera mode." while a more sinister agenda was at play. It worked for years, as the topic dominated the media outlets of this nation and stand up comedians had a field day. (This nation has really become shallow in it's thinking.) Well, as the Clinton era came to it's conclusion, many thought that he would retire, write his remoirs, and do speaking engagements as do most former presidents. Not so with this guy. He appears to be more of a globalist than most and he has a level of charm that could make one ask "who can make war with him?" As has been stated many times before, the days of partisan politics are long gone. There are designs in the hearts of evil men to bring a one world government to fruition and I can assure you that it will not resemble the democracy that we have now. It will resemble the third reich in it's policies and administration. Daniel 8:24-25 reads "And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand." I'm not suggesting that Bill Clinton is the antichrist, but he clearly has global aspirations and could charm my daughter out of her cell phone. You may ask why I take notice of such things. It has nothing to do with the Lord Jesus Christ who is from everlasting to everlasting. This is true, however these events point to the times that were living in; just like when you look to the west and see dark clouds approaching. The tribulation is going to be a time more devastating than any other. It's going to be worse than the world wars, worse than Napoleon, worse than Saddam Hussein, worse than the current situation in Mesopotamia; it's going to be HORRIFIC! If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior please do it now. All have sinned, and all deserve to spend eternity in a lake of fire. Only through the blood of Jesus can you be forgiven, and he can only forgive you if you ask him to in sincerety. Nothing is more important than your eternal destination. This age; this peace and safety that has been in place in this country for generations is coming to an end. This world is heading into unprecidented peril and unless you know Jesus and have the Holy Spirit abiding within, you're not ready. You're not ready for the times ahead and you're not ready for eternity. Tomorrow is not a guarentee, but, without a doubt, we all must stand at the judgment seat of Christ. Please don't wait until there's no remedy. Salvation is yours for the asking, but tomorrow may be too late.


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