Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I'm taking a slight detour from the normal scope of conversation tonight. After getting home from work and waiting for Morgan to finish up on the computer, I caught something from the history channel. It was about an intricate system of underwater tunnels off the coast of Mexicos "Cozumel Island" just east of the Yucaton Penninsula. These tunnels run beneath the island for miles and in them are Mayan artifacts and human skeletal remains. They found such artifacts as deep back as a mile from the ocean; all underwater with no acess to the surface. The divers were pushing the limits of their equipment just to reach this area and the only way for ancient people to get back there would be for the sea level to have been lower than the caves. This brought to mind a subject that I've always been intrigued by. The times before and after the flood that God used to destroy the old world because of the iniquity of man. ( Praise God that Noah wasn't a crowd follower.) If you study the first few chapters of Genesis, it becomes clear that the world before the flood was VERY VERY different from the times afterward. For one thing, the sea level must have been lower as there are underwater structures in various places such as the pyramids off the coast of Okinawa. We also know that it didn't rain prior to the flood. Genesis 2:6 reads "But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground." Two things are revealed in that verse. (1) Weather patterns were totally alien to those of today, and yet there were rivers; one being the Euphrates and another being the Hiddekel or "Tigris." Interesting eh? (2) The whole land (singular) was watered by this mist which suggests that the continents may have been arranged differently. Don't take this as fact; it's merely an exercise in thinking. That would explain how the shapes of the continents seem to fit together. It would also explain the mammoths in Siberia that have vegetation in their bellies. During the flood, the whole earth was covered "Fifteen cubits" above the highest mountains. Mt Everest is 29,028 ft above sea level and a cubit is roughly 18" depending on whose cubit you use. That would put the level of water at 29,050 ft above where it is now. If you've ever see a commercial jetliner passing above your house, that's how high up the ark was. It was nearly in the stratosphere. Can you imagine how much additional weight was pressing in on the earth and how it affected the various faults along with the underlying mantle? That alone may have been enough to shift continental plates. (Just speculating.) Vegetation would have died without sunlight and the additonal mass of water would have slightly increased the earths gravitational pull. In other words, the old world was literally destroyed to the point that practically nothing survived intact. Who knows how many people perished in the flood. We know that they aged far slower than we do. If a typical lifespan was over 700 years and during that time, one continuously produced children, needless to say, the face of the earth could be covered in a relatively sort period of time. The level of technology achieved may never be known. Archeologists use evolution and carbon dating to try and explain a physical world that exists as it does because of spiritual events. They use evolution as though it's established fact when it's nothing of the sort. (Look up the post "Intelligent Design Past Finding Out.") Nobody in acedemia considers what would happen to the earth if it was covered completly by water, and yet, Gods word tells us that it was. Gods word is far more dependable than the theories of men who go out of their way to put God out of their minds. These are questions that we don't have answers to, but they're fun to think about. Five months after the flood began, the waters were abated from off the face of the earth. When Noah and the seven others disembarked from the ark, can you imagine what they saw? Barren landscape and most likely a smell persisted from rotted vegetation and flesh. The rough time that Adam and Eve had after being cast out of the garden of Eden was childs play compared to what Noah and his family went through. Everything had to start over. One night I heard a professor saying "all of the fossil records point to a mass extinction in the earths history." " OH; you THINK?" Again, the bible isn't a technical manual. It's the "holy scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Jesus Christ" (II Tim 3:15) In an age when men are ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth, it's good to have Gods infalliable word to go by. Men can spend a lifetime examining the physical world which is but a fraction of all that is. God is a Spirit and he is from everlasting to everlasting. There has never been a time when he wasn't God. The human mind can't even begin to understand such a concept. I Timothy 3:16 says it all. "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory." And very soon, Jesus will return to set up his millenial kingdom on earth. Genesis is an incredible book to be sure, but the world to come, the one that God has prepared for those who love him is awesome beyond imagination. As the song goes "Our God is an Awesome God" Please; if you have never asked the Lord Jesus to save you, I urge you to turn to him now. Remember Matthew 24:37 "But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."


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