Well....He was Here a Minute Ago
It's been a hectic week dominated by the county fair where we had goats and as a result, a lot of time was spent there. Tonight was the last night and I was just pondering, as I often do, concerning some things that have been on my mind. As I proceed, please don't take my word at face value. (I'm certain that you won't.) First, I truly believe that if a person is born again; if they "love the Lord Jesus" with all of their heart and strive to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit who abides within, they will stand regardless of the situation before them. We need to not be fearful of anything in this world. (This blog has already diverted from my original intent; as usual) I used to be fearful of the end times. In those days, I took great comfort in the pre-tribulation rapture teaching as the concept of going through the tribulation was so "unthinkable" that I couldn't even consider the possibility. (Besides, very few believed it so it couldn't possibly be right. Right?) In the navy, I remember waking up at night, wondering if the rapture had happened and I had missed it. So, on more than one occasion, I would go check to make sure that the other brothers were still in their racks. It sounds crazy! It sounds even crazier when you write it down, but I was young in the Lord and very lacking in understanding. About two and ahalf years ago, I came to understand the scriptures more perfectly concerning this; primarily Revelation chapters 15 and 20, Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 21, and even the scriptures that are often used to make a case for a pre- tribulation rapture. (I Cor.15:52 and I Thes. 4:16) I remember that evening, in this very room asking the Lord "If this is really true, I'm not doing myself or anyone else justice by saying it can't be so. If it's true, I ask that you would grant us the grace to endure whatever we have to endure." I was serious and I can honestly say, without hesitation, that I have complete peace; peace that I never had under a pre-trib mind set. I think that many have placed their faith on "being out of here" before any trials take place, instead of trusting that Gods grace is sufficient for us. Fear will cause you to fit scriptures around the desires of the flesh to not have to endure trials. As mentioned before, trials are not fun. The flesh hates trials but they serve a very important function. They serve to expose the intent of the heart. Do we really love Jesus as we say that we do? It's easy to say "I love you Lord so much" when you're in the barn all alone. It's a whole different ball game when you're in a United Nations prison being interrogated by blue helmeted men who disregard the Geneva convention. The situation is even more complicated because you were turned in by a member of your household. Jesus stated in no uncertain terms, that the times would come when a mans foes would be they of his own household. If that wasn't true he wouldn't have stated it. I know that this sounds hard. I used to be the same way. My faith was in the "we're not going to be here" doctrine and I actually had more faith in the doctrine than in the Lords grace which is sufficient for any situation. Certainly you don't think that Steven was standing in his own strength. You won't have to either. At the risk of sounding even nuttier than I already sound, I'll tell you about what happened two weeks ago. I was in prayer next to a stand used for milking goats in the barn. I had been thinking on the grace of God in times of tribulation when I noticed that the milk stand somewhat bore the shape of a gillotine. I asked the Lord silently in my heart "what is the grace like that will enable us to lay down our life if it comes to that?" I even placed my head in the stantion (I told you it would sound nutty) and the feed bowl looked almost big enough to catch a noggin. The next thing I knew, it was just me and the Lord. It was as if the world didn't exist and I had a time in the Lord as I haven't had in a long time. Do you realize that if it comes to that moment, you're only a matter of seconds away from being with the Lord Jesus forever? Like Steven when he saw Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Father and his accusers couldn't take it any longer. I imagine that he hardly felt the stones as he was being put to death in such manner. Jesus told us to pray that we would be accounted worthy to escape all of these things and I pray that such would be the case. But settle it in your heart that whatever happens, you belong to Jesus. There's a classic storyline throughout literature involving two people (one male and one female) who fall in love and desire to marry. The parents or the family will do everything to derail the relationship. (Such as Romeo and Juliet or anyone with a teenage daughter that's determined to pursue only the "troublesome dudes") The two people who are inloved will go to any lengths necessary to be together. And so much greater should our determination be to follow Jesus. He left glory where he had been for all of eternity past and took upon himself the form of a servant. He shed his precious blood on a cross to pay for our sin. Three days later, he rose from the dead and appeared unto many before ascending into glory. And Acts 1:11 decalres that he's going to return in like manner. If you really love him, you'll be longing for that moment and nothing will pursuede you otherwise. I pray that your heart is stablished at this hour and you're longing for his appearing.
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