Saturday, September 30, 2006

State of the Union

Good morning in Jesus name. I should be in bed now as tomorrow is Sunday and I'm minded to visit a new church in Sturgis. (Not new, but I've never been there) I just posted on Grace County and then copied the October newsletter from David Meyer. If interested in reading it, here's a link. There's so many events that are coming together at this moment that it's amazing that anyone can be still slumbering. I talk often about the end times; not in explicit detail, but more as one exhorting any passer by to prepare for the comng of the Lord Jesus. To prepare spiritually for what is the most dangerous age in the history of dangerous ages. Americans have this notion (I know because I hear them proclaim it daily) that the party is going to go on for ever and ever. We, as a nation really do have a "I sit a queen and am no widow" mentality. We take pride in calling ourselves the "lone superpower; why if anyone crosses our path, we'll just nuke them back to the stone age" That haughty attitude is rampant as we really feel that we're "just too strong militarily" to ever be defeated. (How's that liberation of Mesopotamia working out?) It's not much different that the prevailing attitude of the Romans who were, in their time, also the worlds "lone superpower" The Romans were not defeated by a bigger empire. They fell apart from within and their borders were overrun by the Lombards, Vandals, and a host of other peoples until there was no empire left. I am convinced that Americas downfall won't be over the course of decades or centuries, but over the course of hours. Read Revelation chapter 18. If that doesn't describe this country, it's close enough to be alarming. That is unless you know Jesus, then you shouldn't be caught off guard by the events that are taking place or by those that are about to. I would imagine that some of the posts on here would be considered unpatriotic or overly obsessed by the end of days. Let me address both. As far as patriotism, I am as American as I've always been, although my true citizenship is in heaven ever since I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I'm also aware that America isn't what it was when I was growing up. It's being eroded from within as immorality is rampant and the financial state is in turmoil. Jobs are being lost that will never come back. (My job is standing in line waiting.) Incomes are down, foreclosures are up, and the borders are wide open. I hear pundits debate on how many people are here illegally. The truth is that they have NO IDEA of who's here and what they're up to. Or maybe the government does know what they're up to and they're allowing it. One thing is for certain. "On Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand" Those lyrics have never been more true than today. As for the charge of obsessing about the end times, dear passer by WE ARE IN THE END TIME! This is the final act. The world that you grew up in no longer exists as the beast government is coming together piece by piece while you're busy with your fantasy football league. You've heard the warnings for years about the return of Jesus and the perilous times proceeding his appearing. The warnings will soon come to an abrupt end and when they do, I pray that you know Jesus and are close to him. Well it's late. REALLY; it's late in every way that it can be late. I must get to bed, but please think on these things. They'll either cause you to go nutty (mens hearts failing them for fear) or they'll cause you to "seek the Lord while he may be found." I pray that you'll do the latter.


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