Behold, I am here, Lord
As I begin here, my thoughts are scattered in so many directions. Never has it been more urgent to seek the will of God and be obeidant; even if obediance means doing something that's the exact opposite of "conventional wisdom." I cannot stress this one salient fact enough. THIS IS COMING TO AN END! This age is on the final page of the final chapter. Just a passing glance at the days news will reveal that mens hearts are growing darker and the mystery of iniquity is soon to be in full swing. There's been another string of senseless shootings such as the kid in Montreal, the two sheriff deputies in Florida, the school principal in Wisconsin, and yesterday, the Amish girls in Pennsylvania. While I don't know anyone in the Amish community personally, I have interacted with them many times over the years as there are many in this area and in northern Indiana. They're honest, hard working people and I have the utmost of respect for them. Without a doubt, when the economy collapses, these folks will be the ones who know how to survive. (again, not if, but when. "Except those days be shortened") When I was growing up in the seventies these things didn't happen; at least not in rapid succesion as they are now. II Timothy chapter three says it all. Every soul is priceless and every person is made in the image of God. The devil has been blaspheming God and seeking to destroy his image ever since he fell like lightening. PLease pray for the families of the victims mentioned above. The stage is being set. The transpiring events; the random violence, the conflicts in the middle east, the economic undercurrents, the emergence of a surveillence system that makes one wonder if privacy has gone the way of disco (good seventies analogy) the RFID tracking technology, chip implants, electronic voting where there's no paper trail (accurate elections are a thing of the past) genetically modified foods, terminator seed technology which makes a farmer 100% dependant on the seed company; all of these things are being orchestrated by the powers of darkness, The devil and his minions working in unison to cause the world to receive their representative, the antichrist. They will have a season, but it will be a very short season as Jesus is returning and will destroy them with the brightness of his coming. So, in the meantime, what do we do? If you're not a christian, REPENT! Ask Jesus to forgive you of all of your sins and to be your Lord and Saviour. And be serious about it; he WILL save you if you ask. If you're born again, seek Gods will with a fervor like never before. This is serious time. Lay your own designs aside and really ask the Lord Jesus "What would you have me to do? Here am I Lord." I'm facing this on a number of fronts. On a personal level, I have unsaved family members; a situation that weighs heavily upon me. The plant is offering buyouts and I'm wondering if this is the time to make a move. (The arm of flesh will fail; don't lean on it too heavily) Sunday, I visited a church that's been on my heart to visit for two years but I kept getting sidetracked into others. I now am confident that it's the place that I'm supposed to be at this time. All of these things require fervent prayer and fasting. To really lay our all on the altar and allow the Holy Spirit to "alter" us. And please please please, SET YOUR AFFECTIONS ON THINGS ABOVE! Have you ever read Philippians 3:20, the scripture for which this site is named? It says "For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ." This is where we ought to keep our conversation. Think about the world to come, think about your GREAT SALVATION, think about being with Jesus for all of eternity in a world where divine peace and love is everywhere. Where all of the saints, from time of Abel, throughout the old testament, the earliest christians, those who came out of great tribulation; all who LOVE JESUS gathered together with him. "And so shall we ever be with the Lord." The title of this post was the response that Ananias gave the Lord Jesus in Acts 9:10. It ought to be our response as well.
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