Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Last Day

It was the day before the flood. They awakend that morning and planned out the day that lay before them. For some, it meant tending to the crops in the field. For others they were building a new house as their family had outgrown the old one. (They undoubtedly had huge families in those days.) Many were travelling from one place to another place; either to trade, to visit, or to obtain wisdom from an elderly sage in a distant land. Some were making garments and some were creating various forms of artwork. Nearly all were preparing their children to eventually take their place in the world when they became adults. Community leaders gathered to plan out the cities that were inadequate for the fastly expanding population. There were weddings to take place and infants were born. Some went into eternity on that day. It was a day like any other day. It was just like all of the days before it. There was, however, one thing that stood out. Just outside of the community, there was a "goofy old man" who had been loading animals into a large "barn...boat...looking thing." He had been there for years talking about the end of the world. Today, however, there was very little activity over there. But not to worry. There's so much that we have to get done; there's simply no time wo wonder what has become of the old man with his "crazy ideas" There were too many "important" things to get done; no time to wonder if there is a God and is he happy with all of the violence and sin that has permeated the culture. They never stopped to consider if perhaps the old man outside of the community might be onto something. Something important. Well as you know, nobody listened to the old man with a boat loaded with animals, escept for his wife, his three sons, and their wives. The next day, water began to fall from the sky; something that had never happened before and suddenly, some of the people recalled the old mans words. They rushed out to where he had been but all was quiet. He was inside and the door was closed. Well, you know the story all too well; everyone has heard the story of Noah. Everyone has heard about how nobody listened to him until it was too late. The old world was destroyed by water because of the wickedness of man. Fast forward to the twenty first century AD There have been untold numbers of warnings about the end of the world. There have been prophets and teachers, and evangelists criss-crossing the globe to get the word out about a Saviour who came to save sinners. A Saviour names Jesus Christ who paid for our sins to save us from being lost forever. He's soon to return and those who don't know him will cry out to the rocks "fall on us and hide us from him that sitteth on the throne." Yet everyone is busy climbing corporate ladders, preparing for exams, building nest-eggs, purchasing houses, planning vacations, running here, running there, taking pride in their sophisticated lifestyle, and doing everything under the sun to keep from thinking about eternity. Anything to keep themselves entertained while the end of the age is approaching rapidly. They ignore the signs and tune out the preaching of the word of God. Even though the signs are everywhere that you look. You have to be careful so that you don't trip over them. Here is the conclusion to this. We are coming into the most devastating period in the history of the world. It's going to be so horrific that you most likely won't live through it. If you don't know Jesus as your Saviour, you'll believe a lie and will follow a slick counterfeit. He'll restore order but you'll have to give your heart to him and receive his mark. If you do that, there is no more opportunity for salvation. Just as Noah couldn't open the door to those who were clammering to get in as the waters rose, the "mark" is a final act of disobediance to the God who created all things and made a way for you to escape. Today is October 5, 2006 and the time is 10:25 am here in Constantine. The time of salvation is now. The time for you to turn from your sin and ask Jesus Christ to save you is now. Does it sound a little scary? If you're not born again, you should be terrified. But it's the fear of the Lord that will bring you to him. Like the song goes "Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved. How precious did that grace appear, the hour I first believed." If you don't know Jesus as your Saviour, I pray that you would turn to him now and that this would be the hour that you first believe.


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