You'll Never be "Here" Again
This is going to be a "mixed bag of thoughts" post. First of all, if you're awake at 1:00 am eastern time, you may want to tune in to Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. Starting in the second hour, he's going to be talking with Jerome Corsi, author of "Showdown with Nuclear Iran." This guy has really good insight into many events of the day; not only the Iranian situation but also the emergence of globalism, NAFTA, and a host of other topics. His articles can be found at Normally I wouldn't advise tuning into Coast to Coast if you are discernmentally challenged, but this interview should be very informative. The program is on hundreds of AM stations across the country. As for the title of this post, I saw an article at about how our local group of galaxies is travelling at nearly one million miles per hour heading toward the "Great Attractor" supercluster of galaxies. This really has no bearing on anything but I bring it up for two reasons. One, I have always enjoyed astronomy as the firmament really does proclaim what an awesome God we serve. Two, it gives a physical picture of how time is fleeting. When a minute is gone, it'll never come back. Just like you will never stand in the place twice. For an example, suppose you leave your computer and come back an hour later. You're now in a place that you"ve never been in before. While you were gone, the earth travelled in its orbit around the sun. While that was taking place, the sun was moving in its orbit around the galactical center. As that was transpiring, the galaxy was moving through space at nearly one million miles per hour. And so it goes on continuously. This means that you are now almost one million miles away from where you were when you got up to leave your computer. You're in "uncharted territory." LIterally. Just like you can never get back to where you were, you can never retrive lost time. Therefore we ought to be diligent about serving the Lord Jesus Christ and utilize each day wisely. Again, as in everything that I put down, I'm pointing a finger at myself as fall way short of using time as wisely as I could. (For example, I blog more often than I should.) For my final segment of thoughts, I haven't tuned into any news this morning, but a lot of oddball things are transpiring. The shootings at the amish school house are beyond shocking and beyond description. It amazes me, still, how a person can have a completly normal demeanor, and on the inside, he's posessed. How do you defend against such situations? The only defence is to know Jesus as your Saviour. Then, if something happens, you're ready to be absent from the body and present with the Lord. The days are getting darker and there's been a host of shootings in the past weeks. It's as though something is getting ready to break. Then we have the E-mail scandal in Washington and the only thing that comes to mind is the verse in I Timothy 5:24 which reads "Some mens sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after." Know this; that God knows every single E-mail, every thought, every intent of the heart. You don't have any "dirty little secrets" that God doesn't know about. But if you'll repent and ask Jesus into your heart, he'll take away your sin and give you a new heart. In other news, the dow hit a new record yesterday. What does this mean? Nothing really. More talk of peace and safety, a little more proclamation of "the party is never going to end." The situation in the middle east is still going as it has been going for some time now. Mesopotamia is in a state of civil war, attacks on coalition forces in Afghanistan are increasing, and I wonder if Waziristan will have a seat at the United Nations (beast government) in New York. "Nation shall rise against nation." Jesus is coming. This is the one truth that really matters. Jesus return is at hand. If you don't know him, please turn to him today. You may not live to see tomorrow. This is not to sound "gloom and doomish," this is basic reality. You do not know when you will take your final breath. The only thing that matters is "Do you know Jesus Christ as your Saviour?"
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