Circles in the Sky
"And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you." These are the words that Jesus spoke in Matthew 24:4 as he began to expound on the events that would be transpiring on the earth prior to his return. The first thing that he mentions is to beware of deception. I talk about the end times a lot, because we are living in them. Just as Simeon most likely talked about the first coming of Messiah; the Holy Ghost having revealed to him that he would lay eyes on the Savior, we are living in the time of Jesus return and therefore, we think about it often. (Well; a few of us do, at least) Usually when you talk about the tribulation, I've noticed some will get a little uncomfortable and will finally reach for the "escape clause." They will interject "that's interesting; boy I'm glad we're not going to be here because we're not appointed to wrath." They will dismiss Daniel chapter 7, Matthew 24:29-31, Revelation 14:12, Revelation 15:2-5 Revelation 16:15, and Revelation 20:4-6 as applying only to Israel and to those who couldn't live for Jesus, who will now have to die for him to be saved. As mentioned in earlier posts, "If you can't live for him in time of peace and safety, how are you going to lay down your life then?" The timing of the rapture is not an issue dealing with is a person saved or not. I fellowship with a church that holds the view of a pre-tribulation rapture, as do most, however, they understand the scriptures concerning "what must I do to be saved?" They believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost and the gifts of the Spirit. The issue concerning the rapture is merely a question of timing; just as questions of timing came up when Jesus was with us in a fleshly body. (such as in Acts 1:6) I talk about it, however, because it will determine how you prepare spiritually for the days ahead. In earlier years, I was guilty of placing more faith in the pre-tribulation rapture teaching than in the Lord Jesus who has promised to be with us always. I was fearful of having to face anything like what the early church faced and so, like most, I embraced the pre-tribulation doctrine; memorizing the two primary verses used to support it. The timing of the Lords return is also a source of deception if one isn't ever so careful. Normally I'm leary of internet prophesies because there are so many out there and anyone can say anything. I bring this one up though, because, it depicts just how deceptive these days can be. You may believe it or not believe it; I'm just linking to it. Is this vision real? I don't know; I wasn't there. Nonetheless, it shows just how dangerous the times are. Please ponder something for a moment. Just suppose, that tomorrow, a series of earth-changing events begin to take place, men begin to go crazy, a man with "all of the answers" steps in and brings restoration, he requires everyone to receive a mark "for their own protection" or whatever reason they use, and the church is still here. How many of us would be a little perplexed by, and very unprepared for, this situation? This is why I talk about it; to get anyone who may pass by here to think, to pray, and to search the scriptures. To focus on the things that really matter. To truly look to Jesus; the Author and Finisher of our faith. To pray that we may be accounted worthy to escape these things, but also to be ready for whatever may come our way. As I write this, christians are being killed in various parts of Asia and Africa for their faith. This has gone on ever since Abel was slain. Only four people were on the earth and we already had our first murder because someone wanted to enter in another way. And so it goes on, even today, as they that kill us will think that they do God a service. (I apolagize for paraphrasing a little) Jesus will NEVER EVER leave us hanging out to dry. Whatever we may have to go through, he's right there with us, while on the other side, thousands upon thousands of saints from every tribe under heaven are cheering us on. "And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled." (Revelation 6:11) Saints; my question is simply "Do you really love the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you really truly love him and is your treasure laid up somewhere beyond the blue? If so, then whatever transpires here isn't such a big issue. Our primary purpose is to be a light shining into a world in desperate need of a Saviour. I pray that whatever amount of time we have left, we would give all diligence to reaching the lost and praying ever so fervently for those around us who aren't ready for eternity. Jesus IS coming. When he appears, we shall be like him. This corruption must put on incorruption and this mortality must put on immortality. I pray that you would think on these things and keep your heart with all diligence.
Just a supplemental point. We are not appointed unto wrath; this is true. If you're born again and you love jesus, Gods wrath doesn't abide on you. However, the devil hates you and will try to destroy you. Your faith may have to undergo fiery trials; just as the early saints were tried. Read about the church of Smyrna. Jesus told them specifically that they were going to have tribulation ten days and some of them would be imprisoned and killed. They were not appointed unto wrath, however, their faith was tried by fire. Read II Timothy 2:4.
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