Saturday, October 07, 2006

Sinister Stew

I'm not sure exactly how to begin this as there are so many aspects to the way that everything is coming together. I was going to make some links to various articles concerning microchip implants, but there are so many out there; all of being very ominous as to what befalls this generation. The best thing to do is to do a google search on "human chip implants" and read on from there. Here's one that stuck out as I was reading. It tells of a man in Seattle who took one and is fascinated with the way he can access things almost like magic. It seems to me that the term "magic" is being heard with increased frequency these days. As I was at work tonight, I was thinking on the "big lie" that will deceive the entire world. Already, the undercurrent of occultism is permeating every area of our culture; even churches. One only has to look at the success of Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Narnia, the Star Wars movies, and nearly anything having to do with the forces of darkness to know that the culture is being transformed from one of a predominatly christian heritage into one of a dark mystical nature. These things have a "drawing you in; captivating effect" on unsuspecting folks who don't know Jesus as their Saviour, or are totally lacking in discernment. (This explains why so many professing christians are fascinated by Narnia.) As I was pondering this tonight, I remembered reading an article about chip implants (It may even be in the provided link; I'm not sure) in which the recipient exclaimed "It's so cool! It's like you wave your hands and abracadabra; the door opens." Anyone reading this post please note that WE ARE IN VERY PERILOUS TIMES AND DECEPTION IS ON EVERY CORNER! The fascination with the occult world, the fascination with the latest gizmos to come out of "Gadgetopolis" the ever increasing pace of life, the mind-numbing so called "entertainment" of the day, the "it's all about me" attitude that even finds its way into the church via "purpose driven", and "prosperity" teaching, and the neverending pursuit of peace and safety through the institutions of man. All of these things are pointing to one catastrophic and prophetic conclusion. The man of sin is preparing to come into the arena and cause the world to follow him. The conditioning of the population is nearly complete and if you don't know Jesus, you will believe a lie. I believe that the coming delusions are going to be so strong and convincing that anyone still believing in the Lord Jesus Christ and maintaining their faith in his word will be made to look like a total imbecile. (The preaching of the cross is, to them that perish, foolishness) I almost expect scientific "proof" to be wheeled out that would disprove christianity. Here's a senario; especially for pre-tribbers, but really for anyone who professes faith in Jesus. Suppose one day, there's a press conference at the Jet Propulsion laboratory in Pasadena CA. A group of scientists step onto the platform and set up some photographs. "These photos were taken by the two Mars rovers and the first one shows an ancient brick road; going for several feet before disappearing under the sand. The next few photos reveal ancient ruins and one even has some form of "writing" on it. It looks like ancient Egyptian or Mayan. And here, we have what appears to be a pyramid, piercing the desolate martian landscape." How is your faith holding up now? The time is coming in which faith in Christ is going to bring unimaginable ridicule as scientific "enlightenment" appears to provide "concrete"answers to the questions of the ages. I don't know that an illusion of ancient martian civilizations will be called into play, but it's possible. Do you remember the Soviet Union? (It's still there, by the way, and contrary to the peace and safety chorusters, it's still dangerous) In the past, the institutionally sanctioned method for handling christianity, was to treat it as a mental disorder; commiting many of the saints to psychiatric "hospitals" for treatment. There really is nothing new under the sun and these patterns will only intensify as the end approaches. So what can be gathered from all of this? Get close to Jesus and be sensitive to the Holy Ghost more than ever. I mean really strive to be as close as you can be. I know that a lot of these posts have the same theme, but it's important like never before. Isaiah 26:20 reads "Come my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast." Here's another idea. Tomorrow as you head out to gather with the saints at your local fellowship, spend some time at the altar before things get started. It's far more important than hearing brother So and So tell about his vacation. (Nothing against brother So and So; it's just that we obsess about many trivial things) This age really is coming to an end. Look to Jesus; he promised to be with us always. I pray that when this age is finished we all would have a testimony like the apostle Paul who stated in II Timothy 4:7-8 "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them that love his appearing."


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