The Beginning of Sorrows
This is a powerblog as time is very pressing, but I wanted to comment on a few things before going to work today. First off, the situation in North Korea, I believe to be a diversion to the weightier matters of the day such as the true intentions of the Chinese and Russians. Again, if you know Jesus Christ as your Savior, these events are not things to worry over, but are rather "indicators" or signs of the times that we're in. I find it fascinating how the United states government, along with all of the other UN members, treat the Chinese as though we're all on the same page. They have this "global community" mentality that will soon facillitate the man of sin who will seem to "put everything back together" after everything has seemingly fallen apart. It's all coming to pass before our eyes, while we're busy with every kind of silly diversion imaginable. The rhetoric against the North koreans is deafening, but I expect that it won't proceed much farther than words. You can be sure that the Chinese have other ambitions in this matter. (As do the Russians but that's another topic)
As for the Iranians, this is most likely where our next conflict will be as those in charge are planning to implement the apocalyptic senario that will bring about the twelth imam. They REALLY REALLY believe this and their actions will be in accordance with this belief. I really think that the Iranian situation is far more dangerous than what's transpiring in North Korea, although, anything that North Korea develops will eventually find its way into Iran. As you watch the situation in Iran unfold, along with the ressurgance of taliban activity in Afghanistan and the "CIVIL WAR" that's raging in Iraq, you can see how the war on terror is coming apart piece by piece. Most officials in Washington have concluded that we need a change in policy, but have no idea as to what kind of a change is workable. In other words, "we're stuck." The real tragedy of all of this is that thousands of unsaved souls are entering eternity with no remedy. THIS IS THE REAL TRAGEDY! Saints of God; pray fervently like never before as everything is going to be shaken to its core. That includes this country also. We have this notion that we're in no real danger, despite the 911 attacks and as a result, the slumber party continues on. There are also indications that the Syrians are busy with military preparations as they forsee military engagement in their future. The list could go on and on but you get the picture that kingdoms are rising against kingdoms as Jesus said they would do.
As for this country, there's a darkness falling across the land; a darkness that one can almost "feel." Do you remember the book "In Cold Blood" by Truman Capote. I read it in high school back in the early eighties and it dealt with a the members of a family in Holcomb Kansas who were murdered in their house one night by two guys who happened to be passing through the area. The crime was so shocking that it drew national attention for months on end. My understanding is that the author of the book was on site while the trial was going on; writing in real time. This was a crime the likes of which used to take place maybe once every fifteen years or so. Not so in 2006. We have just had another round of school shootings. A family of four, the parents and their two children, all shot multiple times along a Florida interstate. Yesterday, I saw in the Kalamazoo paper where a 22 year old man murdered his parents and three teenage sisters in Iowa. The wickedness of this generation is almost beyond belief, and yet we know that it's going to only worsen in the days ahead. Look to Jesus while there's still time. Turn to him in true repentance and ask him into your heart before it's too late.
As I glanced at the news earlier, the pundits were busy punditing and the politicians were busy politicing; looking to turn any event into political gain. The election is less than a month away, and I have no confidence in the flesh. The electronic voting systems that are coming into play district by district will ensure that "honest elections" will most likely never again transpire in this land. Jesus Christ is coming and every eye shall behold him. The kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord; please saints, don't lose sight of this. Hold fast the profession of your faith unto the end. The turmoil of the present is as nothing when compared to the glorious eternity that's just ahead. Let go of the flesh pots of Egypt and LOOK UP! Please pray all the more fervently for those who don't know Jesus that you rub shoulders with daily. As for me, I'm striving to be more sober-minded; a continuous struggle for me. Remember Thessalonians 5:16-24 reads:
Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearence of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
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