Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Wind Bloweth:

In I Kings 17:1, we are introduced to Elijah the Tishbite as he confronts Ahab. We have no written record concerning his life prior to this event, however, we can conclude that he walked with God and was sensitive to the Holy Spirit. In scripture, he seems to just "come on the scene" at the appropriate time. We can gather that this was commonplace when reading of the conversation that he had with Obadiah. He told Obadiah to tell King Ahab, that he would see him on that day. Obadiahs reply was "If I do that, while I'm gone, the Spirit of the Lord will take you elsewhere and Ahab will do me in" (I'm super paraphrasing here but the story can be found in I Kings chapter 18) A person who is really close to the Lord will do things and go places that make absolutly no sense to the physical realm. Jesus spoke of this to Nicodemus in John 3:8 which reads:
The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
Many examples are found in the new testament such as in II Corinthians 12:2-4 where Paul tells of a man who was caught up into paradise. In fact, as Paul is telling of the incident, he mentions not knowing if he was in the body or out. In Acts chapter 8, Philip told the Ethiopian eunuch about the Lord Jesus Christ and the eunuch, upon believing, was baptized by Philip. Verses 39 and 40 read:
And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing.
But Philip was found at Azotus: and passing through he preached in all the cities, till he came to Caesarea.
If there's one thing that is needful today, it's walking in the Spirit and not trusting in the things that we can see and touch. We tend to put faith in our jobs, our education, technology, psychology, ten-step programs, political entities, anything and everything except the Lord who fills heaven and earth. As this age reaches its apocalyptic conclusion, it's more important than ever to hear the still small voice and then, upon hearing it, "just do what he says to do." It sounds so easy and the principle is indeed a very basic one, however, the flesh man hates having to do something that requires trusting in that which isn't seen. As a result, most of us never "launch out into the deep." We hug the shoreline, we entangle ourselves with the worlds system, we find our niche in a local assembly,we establish our career path, we become consumed with living day to day, and we "plateau." Not growing; not necessarily slipping back, just being "average." We conform to those saints with whom we have fellowship and we "mark time." The herd mentality is unbelievably dangerous; especially in this age of Laodiceanism and apostasy.
We really need to seek out the old paths and really seek the Lord. Here's a heart check for us all; myself included. Remember the rich ruler in Luke 18:18-27? What would you do if the Lord made it clear to you in no uncertain terms that he wanted you to do this? To cut all of your ties, sell everything, and go to another country; lets pick Eritrea. I fear that most would walk away sorrowful. All of us are too tied to this life; ALL OF US have too much confidence in the flesh. We gather with the saints,we spend time in the prayer closet and have an awesome time in the Lord, we search the scriptures, we proclaim truth to those around us, yet most of us are more entangled with this life than we realize. This issue requires seeking the Lord diligently as to line up with his will.
I remember back in 1986, I was in the navy and our ship was in New Orleans during the Mardi Gras "thing." We met a man who literally lived by faith. He went from town to town spreading the gospel, and seemed to have no ties to any one place. The meeting on that night wasn't a very long one. Nonetheless, as we went our separate ways I thought on this. How awesome it would be to just go from place to place; no ties to this life, just trusting God and being obediant. That would be so awesome. The time may well come when we will have no other choice. When the beast government is in place and economic activity requires a mark, we'll have no choice but to trust God and remember I Peter 4:19 which reads:
Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well-doing, as unto a faithful creator.
That's a hard verse to most and even though it's in scripture, you'll probably never hear anyone preach from it. Our life is in Christ; not this world. As I write tonight, I'm semi-distracted as Jeffery Epstein from "Americas Truth Forum" is on Coast to Coast talking about the situation with North Korea and Islamic Fundamentalists in this country. THE ARM OF FLESH WILL FAIL. We all know the scriptures concerning the end of this age and what is soon to befall the whole world. WE MUST GET CLOSE TO JESUS! We neglect this at our own peril. Please seek the Lord wholeheartedly and lay aside every weight and sin that would beset you.


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