Saturday, September 30, 2006
Good morning in Jesus name. I should be in bed now as tomorrow is Sunday and I'm minded to visit a new church in Sturgis. (Not new, but I've never been there) I just posted on Grace County and then copied the October newsletter from David Meyer. If interested in reading it, here's a link. There's so many events that are coming together at this moment that it's amazing that anyone can be still slumbering. I talk often about the end times; not in explicit detail, but more as one exhorting any passer by to prepare for the comng of the Lord Jesus. To prepare spiritually for what is the most dangerous age in the history of dangerous ages. Americans have this notion (I know because I hear them proclaim it daily) that the party is going to go on for ever and ever. We, as a nation really do have a "I sit a queen and am no widow" mentality. We take pride in calling ourselves the "lone superpower; why if anyone crosses our path, we'll just nuke them back to the stone age" That haughty attitude is rampant as we really feel that we're "just too strong militarily" to ever be defeated. (How's that liberation of Mesopotamia working out?) It's not much different that the prevailing attitude of the Romans who were, in their time, also the worlds "lone superpower" The Romans were not defeated by a bigger empire. They fell apart from within and their borders were overrun by the Lombards, Vandals, and a host of other peoples until there was no empire left. I am convinced that Americas downfall won't be over the course of decades or centuries, but over the course of hours. Read Revelation chapter 18. If that doesn't describe this country, it's close enough to be alarming. That is unless you know Jesus, then you shouldn't be caught off guard by the events that are taking place or by those that are about to. I would imagine that some of the posts on here would be considered unpatriotic or overly obsessed by the end of days. Let me address both. As far as patriotism, I am as American as I've always been, although my true citizenship is in heaven ever since I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I'm also aware that America isn't what it was when I was growing up. It's being eroded from within as immorality is rampant and the financial state is in turmoil. Jobs are being lost that will never come back. (My job is standing in line waiting.) Incomes are down, foreclosures are up, and the borders are wide open. I hear pundits debate on how many people are here illegally. The truth is that they have NO IDEA of who's here and what they're up to. Or maybe the government does know what they're up to and they're allowing it. One thing is for certain. "On Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand" Those lyrics have never been more true than today. As for the charge of obsessing about the end times, dear passer by WE ARE IN THE END TIME! This is the final act. The world that you grew up in no longer exists as the beast government is coming together piece by piece while you're busy with your fantasy football league. You've heard the warnings for years about the return of Jesus and the perilous times proceeding his appearing. The warnings will soon come to an abrupt end and when they do, I pray that you know Jesus and are close to him. Well it's late. REALLY; it's late in every way that it can be late. I must get to bed, but please think on these things. They'll either cause you to go nutty (mens hearts failing them for fear) or they'll cause you to "seek the Lord while he may be found." I pray that you'll do the latter.
Friday, September 29, 2006
No Continuing City Here
"This world is not my home, I'm only passing through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue:" It's one of my favorite songs and it depicts the sediment of all who love the Lord Jesus in all sincerety. We occupy the land; we raise our families, go to work each day, and strive to be a city that is set on a hill; both in word and deed. And yet our heart is already on the other side. This world seems increasingly strange and harsh as you draw nearer to Jesus. We long for the day when this corruption puts on incorruption. I just did a post very similar to this, either here, or on Grace County, but it's worth talking about again. To have our heart firmly established and our affections on the world to come; the one that will be everlasting. The one where we will be with Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord who took upon himself the sins of us all. I know that I talk much about it, but we really need to get this into our heart. We really must keep our affections on things above, even though most christians seem to be content with following afar off. Most of us are wrapped up in the present but don't realize it because every other saint seems to be doing the same thing. It's baffling that we are at the end of the end and nobody seems to even care. I John 2:15-17 often raises accusations of "legalism," however, it reads "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever." The two cannot abide together because this world is contrary to God. But the more that you love the Lord, the more that this world will lose its appeal to you. When you're heart is completly fixed on the world to come, nothing will deter you from pressing onward. Earlier today, I was reading in Acts chapter 20 where the disciples were pleading with the apostle Paul to not go up to Jerusalem. In verse 13 "Then Paul answered, what mean ye to weep and to break mine heart? for I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus." Pauls heart was firmly on Jesus not this world and we, likewise must have our affections in heavenly places. This is why I have a problem with the name it and claim it prosperity message that's so widespread today. It focuses totally on this world and doesn't prepare the heart for the world to come. "Take the World, but Give Me Jesus" is another awesome song that you virtually never hear anymore. We all have struggles as we have a different law working in our members but we must die daily to the old man. I know how basic this post sounds but it deals with a daily struggle that's very real to every one of us. Well there's more that I could put down, but I'm falling asleep at the computer. Please keep pressing on, looking to Jesus and not dwelling on the things of this life.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
To Live is Christ
Greetings in Jesus name who stepped out of eternity, took upon himself the form of a servant, lived a completly sinless life, (was tempted in all points as we are and yet never sinned) endured the cross, shedding his precious blood for the sins of all, rose from the dead three days later, and appeared unto many before ascending into heaven. We know that soon; VERY SOON, he shall return in like manner and every eye shall behold him. He will send forth his angels into the four corners of the earth to gather those who love his appearing. And then so shall we ever be with the Lord. This mortality will put on immortality and we shall be like him forever. (It makes the trappings of this life seem totally irrelevant. Because they are totally irrelevant) We go through this life pressed beyond measure. Not only do we have the trials of a world that's completly contrary to the gospel of Jesus, we also have a "different law" working in our members that longs to engage in that contrary lifestyle. We have family and acquaintances who "think it strange that we run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of us." Many almost seem to feel sorry for us as we don't engage in the old ways; not understanding that whom the Son sets free is "free indeed." So as we go through our time in this realm, we rejoice with a supernatural joy unspeakable that our sins are forgiven and that we have eternal life. An everlasting joy that dwells beyond the reach of this world; as does the soul. They can kill the body but they cannot proceed beyond that point. "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." (Philippians 1:21) So on this morning of September 28,2006, my heart is rejoicing in God my Savior. His peace is beyond description and his ways are past finding out. He inhabits heaven and earth with no beginning or ending. Timeless and perfect is Jesus our Lord. And yet he loved us so much that he made a way for us to be with him; by paying for our sins with his own innocent blood. "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." (II Corinthians 5:21) What a great salvation we have. Lately I have been praying for a deeper understanding of this great salvation. It's a "standing prayer" if you will; not a vain repetition but a sincere desire to take this relationship with Jesus to a higher level. To end each day closer to him than I was that morning. I don't believe that you can end the day just as you start it. During those waking hours, you'll either become closer to him or drift back a little. It all depends on where your heart is; what you feed on during the day and what you occupy your time with. Slippage can transpire ever so subtly and it's the reason for all of the biblical warnings to "keep your heart with all diligence." But if we stay in his word and stay in a state of continuous prayer, (it's very possible and very necessary in this hour) he'll keep us on the right path. And if we start to drift in a wrong direction he'll let us know. "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your rememberance, whatsoever I have said unto you." (John 14:26) As I close for now, I pray that you would be increasingly sensitive to the Holy Spirit and would draw increasingly closer to jesus. That we all would change from glory to glory; becoming more like him and less like us.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
The Globalists be Upon Thee
Before reading this post, please check out the following link. This article talks about the shadow government that is bringing the United States, Canada, and Mexico into a single entity headed by a "North American Government" It will bring to light the designs of those in high places with sinister motives. Our laws will be altered to mesh with those of Canada and Mexico and the constitution will be downgraded to a "historical document" with no authority. While Americans are busy playing golf, playing church, watching "American Idolatry" climbing corporate ladders, planning for retirement, waiting for a pre-tribulation rapture, and basically living the American dream, "the last vestiges of the republic are being swept away." (to paraphrase a line from first "Star Wars" movie) Global government is upon us NOW; not at some ambiguous point in the mists of futureopolis. I have other posts that mirror this one but it's important enough to rehearse; not to cause fear (unless it's fear that brings you to repentance) but to alert anyone who may read it as to the lateness of the hour. PLEASE SHAKE OFF the spirit of slumber that has gripped so much of the world today. Please pull your head out of the sand and see what's transpiring; what must transpire in the last days as this age is approaching its conclusion. The bible tells us about the perilosity of the last days and we are living it in "real time". You really can't fight against the things that are coming to pass, but you can get close to Jesus. You can abide in the shadow of the Almighty who will always be with you and whose grace is sufficient for you. If you're not born again, DON'T PUT IT OFF ANOTHER SECOND! Please give your heart to Jesus while time remains. Time can run out without warning. As I write this post, I'm simultaneously listening to an interview with Jerome Corsi of He has mentioned some other sites that tell of the things that are coming to be. As ambitious as this scheme is, it's merely a small portion of a far bigger picture; a most diabolical plan that will lead to the beast government. tells about the Trans-Texas Corridor which will eventually become the North American Corridor; the routes for which can be viewed at This massive corridor is designed to further desovereignize the nations of the North American continent. Saints; please take heed to I Peter 4:7. PLEASE stop playing "donkeys and elephants." Please lay aside every weight and sin. I find my spirit rejoicing in the Lord; not that things are going to get unbelievable dicey, but because Jesus is coming and these events mean that his return is near. In the last couple of days, some events have taken place at work which could put the plant in danger of becoming an empty building. That would mean economic disaster for my family along with many others. Yet I have the joy of the Lord as I know that he will sustain all who truly love him. My affections are on Jesus; not this world. As Paul wrote in Philippians 4:11 "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." He also wrote in I Timothy 6:6-8 "But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and rainment let us be therewith content." A short while ago on "Grace County" I posted about following Jesus; not following man or things of this life. To truly seek him and love him more than anyone or anything. He loved us when we were lost and undone. He came into the world to seek and to save that which was lost. I pray that we would love him out of a pure heart and worship him in spirit and in truth. Look to Jesus and don't worry about the storm. Then; while mens hearts are failing them for fear as Jesus said will happen, you'll have the peace of God that passes understanding.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Old Time Religion
I would venture to say that few of us have any idea as to what is meant by the phrase that makes up the title of this post. Most of us think of the times of our grandparents or the great revivals of the past two centuries. Many thousands coming to repentance at an old fashoned alter with tears of joy streaming down as their sins were washed away by the precious blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus is still every bit as powerful as it has always been. Today however, many have succumbed to a more "feel good" gospel carefully packaged and delivered in such a way as to not offend anyone. There's a difference between the supernatural "joy of the Lord" and a revved up counterfeit. I was thinking tonight on just how far removed most christians are from the old paths. Our pastors, uncle was telling recently about his grandfather. He, along with several other saints, who were hungry for a deeper relationship with Jesus, began to assemble. These meetings took place in Tennessee and the result was a mighty outpouring of the Holy Ghost as they were in one accord and seeking wholeheartedly. This was in 1886; twenty years before the Azuza street revival. I've read accounts of Azuza street, but had never heard about this revival, that resulted in the "Church of God" organization in Cleveland, Tennesee. As if this wasn't enough to ponder, I saw a segment on the history channel about the early christians. The portion that I saw concerned those of Cappadocia; a region in central Turkey. It's a very rugged region made up of conical shaped volcanic rock formations in which houses, public buildings, and churches were "hewn out." Despite Roman persecution, the message of Jesus Christ continued to spread. Cappadocia was on a major trade route between Asia and Europe. In the fifth century, the Roman Empire was coming apart at the seams which created a vacuum for Arab invaders to move in and make havoc. The christians began to live underground where they built hundreds of miles of tunnels, complete with ingenious ventilation systems. (This was prior to Islam coming on the scene.) Natural water sources were integrated and it reminded me of Proverbs 8:12 which reads "I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions." More information can be found at You can view photos at When you read about the earlier saints, you can almost become discouraged by what you see going on today. Most have opted for a diet of smooth things wrapped in a "rock concert" atmosphere with an ever-increasing array of special effects. We justify it by saying that we have to reach people at their level. Messages are compromised as to draw in a larger crowd; confusing "numbers" with being spiritual. Try reading ""Fox's Book of Martyrs" and compare it with what goes on today. Better yet, compare the words that Jesus spoke and see how it lines up. For example, Jesus stated that houses would be divided and that we would be hated. They would kill us all the day long; something that's happening right now in Dafur, Eritrea, India and a host of other nations. Do you know what that does? It makes you draw closer to the Lord. The early saints were "tried and true" as they were fed to the lions in front of screeming fans. In the middle ages, true saints were often charged with heresy, subjected to unbelievable torture; accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake. The men who were administering this persecution really believed that they were serving God. Saints in America: persecution is coming to these shores as the beast system is almost in place. Such a concept never even crosses the minds of most. As the final scene is played out, I would almost expect it to come primarily from the "church." That's been a pattern throughout the ages. Many mainline and even evangelical churches have succumbed to a new-age way of looking at things. (thus the fascination with Narnia) This is only going to increase as time progresses. I had a strange dream about a year and a half ago. I've never shared it until now as I was unsure if it was the Lord or just an unusual dream. (You need to be careful) I was only an observer in this dream which began in what looked like a warehouse. There were two entities and the greater one was talking to the lesser one. The room was very dark and the tone was as one would talk over a cup of coffee. Then the talk began to intensify gradually. Suddenly these "beings" went out in all directions at incredible speed. The entity was speaking in increasingly loud tones until he reached a level that sounded much like Adolph Hitler at one of the Nuremburg rallies. The army of entities were going everywhere and one thing that I noticed was a very large church. They went right through the walls and out the other side. I saw inside the church that was now under their control. The people were just sitting there and some began to casually look around as to say "did something just happen?" The army of beings conquered the world in a very short preiod of time as the one kept speaking increasingly louder and defiant. I woke up at that point. I very rarely remember dreams but this one is like I saw it yesterday. Again, I want to be careful which is why I've never told of it until now. One thing is for certain. Jesus is returning and we need to strive to be found of him without spot and blameless. When you talk of perilous times, I think that by far the most perilous of all are those identified with peace and safety. Remember the parable of the ten virgins? Five were wise and five were foolish, but all were asleep. Generally, in order to fall aleep, it has to be quiet and dark. "But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin" (I John 1:7)
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Well....He was Here a Minute Ago
It's been a hectic week dominated by the county fair where we had goats and as a result, a lot of time was spent there. Tonight was the last night and I was just pondering, as I often do, concerning some things that have been on my mind. As I proceed, please don't take my word at face value. (I'm certain that you won't.) First, I truly believe that if a person is born again; if they "love the Lord Jesus" with all of their heart and strive to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit who abides within, they will stand regardless of the situation before them. We need to not be fearful of anything in this world. (This blog has already diverted from my original intent; as usual) I used to be fearful of the end times. In those days, I took great comfort in the pre-tribulation rapture teaching as the concept of going through the tribulation was so "unthinkable" that I couldn't even consider the possibility. (Besides, very few believed it so it couldn't possibly be right. Right?) In the navy, I remember waking up at night, wondering if the rapture had happened and I had missed it. So, on more than one occasion, I would go check to make sure that the other brothers were still in their racks. It sounds crazy! It sounds even crazier when you write it down, but I was young in the Lord and very lacking in understanding. About two and ahalf years ago, I came to understand the scriptures more perfectly concerning this; primarily Revelation chapters 15 and 20, Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 21, and even the scriptures that are often used to make a case for a pre- tribulation rapture. (I Cor.15:52 and I Thes. 4:16) I remember that evening, in this very room asking the Lord "If this is really true, I'm not doing myself or anyone else justice by saying it can't be so. If it's true, I ask that you would grant us the grace to endure whatever we have to endure." I was serious and I can honestly say, without hesitation, that I have complete peace; peace that I never had under a pre-trib mind set. I think that many have placed their faith on "being out of here" before any trials take place, instead of trusting that Gods grace is sufficient for us. Fear will cause you to fit scriptures around the desires of the flesh to not have to endure trials. As mentioned before, trials are not fun. The flesh hates trials but they serve a very important function. They serve to expose the intent of the heart. Do we really love Jesus as we say that we do? It's easy to say "I love you Lord so much" when you're in the barn all alone. It's a whole different ball game when you're in a United Nations prison being interrogated by blue helmeted men who disregard the Geneva convention. The situation is even more complicated because you were turned in by a member of your household. Jesus stated in no uncertain terms, that the times would come when a mans foes would be they of his own household. If that wasn't true he wouldn't have stated it. I know that this sounds hard. I used to be the same way. My faith was in the "we're not going to be here" doctrine and I actually had more faith in the doctrine than in the Lords grace which is sufficient for any situation. Certainly you don't think that Steven was standing in his own strength. You won't have to either. At the risk of sounding even nuttier than I already sound, I'll tell you about what happened two weeks ago. I was in prayer next to a stand used for milking goats in the barn. I had been thinking on the grace of God in times of tribulation when I noticed that the milk stand somewhat bore the shape of a gillotine. I asked the Lord silently in my heart "what is the grace like that will enable us to lay down our life if it comes to that?" I even placed my head in the stantion (I told you it would sound nutty) and the feed bowl looked almost big enough to catch a noggin. The next thing I knew, it was just me and the Lord. It was as if the world didn't exist and I had a time in the Lord as I haven't had in a long time. Do you realize that if it comes to that moment, you're only a matter of seconds away from being with the Lord Jesus forever? Like Steven when he saw Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Father and his accusers couldn't take it any longer. I imagine that he hardly felt the stones as he was being put to death in such manner. Jesus told us to pray that we would be accounted worthy to escape all of these things and I pray that such would be the case. But settle it in your heart that whatever happens, you belong to Jesus. There's a classic storyline throughout literature involving two people (one male and one female) who fall in love and desire to marry. The parents or the family will do everything to derail the relationship. (Such as Romeo and Juliet or anyone with a teenage daughter that's determined to pursue only the "troublesome dudes") The two people who are inloved will go to any lengths necessary to be together. And so much greater should our determination be to follow Jesus. He left glory where he had been for all of eternity past and took upon himself the form of a servant. He shed his precious blood on a cross to pay for our sin. Three days later, he rose from the dead and appeared unto many before ascending into glory. And Acts 1:11 decalres that he's going to return in like manner. If you really love him, you'll be longing for that moment and nothing will pursuede you otherwise. I pray that your heart is stablished at this hour and you're longing for his appearing.
The Summer is Ended (Now What?)
Today is the 23 of September, 2006. This day is notable in three ways. One: it's the first day of autumn and Jeremiah 8:20 reads "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved." This verse describes the age that we live in; the end is here and it seems as though nobody cares; not even most christians. Two: Ramadan begins at sundown and each year the pundits speculate on what kind of trouble will be stirred up by Islamic extremists. If you've been watching lately, the US-Pakistani "alliance" is strained, President Musharref has established a "treaty" with the province of Waziristan, (I guess that makes it an independant country) Hezbollah is now refusing to lay down their arms despite the UN resolution (what a surprise) and the fiasco in Iraq continues to enlarge itself as precious souls are perishing daily. Three: This is by far the most significant aspect of this first day of autumn. "We are one day closer to the last day." The man of sin is one step closer to stepping onto the world stage and instituting his designs. Peace and safety is one day closer to being non-existant, and truly THE END OF ALL THINGS IS AT HAND! What the exact timing is nobody knows; we can only go on the word of God and as you watch things coming to fruition, you know that scripture is coming to pass as indeed it must. Thus far the bible has a 100% accuracy rating. That's a good thing because it also means that the scriptures concerning the return of Jesus are also 100% accurate and the biblical glimpses of the world to come are accurate as well. Our blessed hope really is a "blessed hope" and not just a contrived idea of some guys out in the desert too long. Our God is real and if you're born again, his Spirit abides in you. Wherever you go, he's with you. If they throw you into a tiny room with dead rats (as the Romanian police did to Dimitri Duduman) he's right there with you. If all of your earthly trappings go the way that all things of this world go, he'll always be a very present help. Jesus is truly the Friend who sticketh closer than a brother and his peace cannot be shaken by the things of this life. So as we go from here on, we ought to be ever so sober minded and keep the joy of the Lord in our heart. We ought also to have sincere compassion on those around us who have never given their hearts to Jesus and aren't ready for the times ahead. (as we all were in times past) To "be strong and do exploits" as the book of Daniel tells about. It's a very familiar verse, but II Timothy 2:4 reads "No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier." All of us have a certain level of entanglements and we really need to work on shedding them. Each year as summer ends, I find myself reflecting on what has come to pass and what's on the horizon. I remember last year thinking to myself "I'll be surprised if we reach the end of October without any cataclysmic happenings." Well, last year saw things remain intact, but we also know that the word of God will be fulfilled. Look at the RFID technology, the ever expanding surveillence network designed to find...I mean...protect us, the distress of nations, and rapid climate change. (This past summer a lane opened up in the arctic ice shelf in which a ship could sail from Norways Spitsbergen Island to the north pole according to photos taken by the European Space Agency) If you put it all together, you know that the end of all things is at hand. Jesus is coming. Of all the political bantering, all of the posturing by the nations of this world, all of the vast array of frivilous things that people occupy their time with; the only thing that matters is "JESUS IS RETURNING!" If you know him, LOOK UP! The days to come are going to be trying beyond what you can even begin to fathom, but he's coming at the appointed time and every eye shall behold him. "And when you see these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:27)
Friday, September 22, 2006
Elephants, Donkeys, and the Fourth Beast
A lot of speculation goes on, even on this site, as to the intentions of President Bush. He claims to be a christian and to be a defender of the American way of, as would any person running for the lands highest office. The variance of opinion ranges from those who support him wholeheartedly and believe everything coming from the administrations spokespersons to those who call him an antichrist. As for me, I don't know what's in the mans heart and I would be very careful to make bold allegations without solid proof; especially concerning the latter. Nonetheless, a globalist agenda does seem to be very much in play as the North American Corridor is moving ahead, the border issue is being addressed only because elections are at hand (and nobody controls the electronic voting system yet) attempts are being made to sidestep the Geneva Convention, and his invovement with the skull and bones. Being a member of a secret society such as that indicates a secret agenda. (That means that very few people know about it; only those within the secret societal structure.) If this isn't ominous enough, just visit the following website. Remember Bill Clinton; our smooth talking president during the last decade? This "caring, peaceloving man" who wants to make the world a better place (enter peaceably) is pursuing a globalist agenda that's second only to the United Nations itself. If you remember back, he is a manipulative individual and his political opponents struggled daily on how to handle him. In 1994, it looked as though he was done for when the republicans took both houses. For the next several years, technology was transferred to China via the Loral Corporation, Chinese funds made their way into his reelection campaign, and nobody paid any attention to these serious issues because the entire country was obsessing over the imfamous blue dress. (enough said about that) One could almost argue that the Monica Lewinski (or whatever her name was) scandal was an intentional divertion to keep the country in perpetual "soap opera mode." while a more sinister agenda was at play. It worked for years, as the topic dominated the media outlets of this nation and stand up comedians had a field day. (This nation has really become shallow in it's thinking.) Well, as the Clinton era came to it's conclusion, many thought that he would retire, write his remoirs, and do speaking engagements as do most former presidents. Not so with this guy. He appears to be more of a globalist than most and he has a level of charm that could make one ask "who can make war with him?" As has been stated many times before, the days of partisan politics are long gone. There are designs in the hearts of evil men to bring a one world government to fruition and I can assure you that it will not resemble the democracy that we have now. It will resemble the third reich in it's policies and administration. Daniel 8:24-25 reads "And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand." I'm not suggesting that Bill Clinton is the antichrist, but he clearly has global aspirations and could charm my daughter out of her cell phone. You may ask why I take notice of such things. It has nothing to do with the Lord Jesus Christ who is from everlasting to everlasting. This is true, however these events point to the times that were living in; just like when you look to the west and see dark clouds approaching. The tribulation is going to be a time more devastating than any other. It's going to be worse than the world wars, worse than Napoleon, worse than Saddam Hussein, worse than the current situation in Mesopotamia; it's going to be HORRIFIC! If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior please do it now. All have sinned, and all deserve to spend eternity in a lake of fire. Only through the blood of Jesus can you be forgiven, and he can only forgive you if you ask him to in sincerety. Nothing is more important than your eternal destination. This age; this peace and safety that has been in place in this country for generations is coming to an end. This world is heading into unprecidented peril and unless you know Jesus and have the Holy Spirit abiding within, you're not ready. You're not ready for the times ahead and you're not ready for eternity. Tomorrow is not a guarentee, but, without a doubt, we all must stand at the judgment seat of Christ. Please don't wait until there's no remedy. Salvation is yours for the asking, but tomorrow may be too late.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
I'm taking a slight detour from the normal scope of conversation tonight. After getting home from work and waiting for Morgan to finish up on the computer, I caught something from the history channel. It was about an intricate system of underwater tunnels off the coast of Mexicos "Cozumel Island" just east of the Yucaton Penninsula. These tunnels run beneath the island for miles and in them are Mayan artifacts and human skeletal remains. They found such artifacts as deep back as a mile from the ocean; all underwater with no acess to the surface. The divers were pushing the limits of their equipment just to reach this area and the only way for ancient people to get back there would be for the sea level to have been lower than the caves. This brought to mind a subject that I've always been intrigued by. The times before and after the flood that God used to destroy the old world because of the iniquity of man. ( Praise God that Noah wasn't a crowd follower.) If you study the first few chapters of Genesis, it becomes clear that the world before the flood was VERY VERY different from the times afterward. For one thing, the sea level must have been lower as there are underwater structures in various places such as the pyramids off the coast of Okinawa. We also know that it didn't rain prior to the flood. Genesis 2:6 reads "But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground." Two things are revealed in that verse. (1) Weather patterns were totally alien to those of today, and yet there were rivers; one being the Euphrates and another being the Hiddekel or "Tigris." Interesting eh? (2) The whole land (singular) was watered by this mist which suggests that the continents may have been arranged differently. Don't take this as fact; it's merely an exercise in thinking. That would explain how the shapes of the continents seem to fit together. It would also explain the mammoths in Siberia that have vegetation in their bellies. During the flood, the whole earth was covered "Fifteen cubits" above the highest mountains. Mt Everest is 29,028 ft above sea level and a cubit is roughly 18" depending on whose cubit you use. That would put the level of water at 29,050 ft above where it is now. If you've ever see a commercial jetliner passing above your house, that's how high up the ark was. It was nearly in the stratosphere. Can you imagine how much additional weight was pressing in on the earth and how it affected the various faults along with the underlying mantle? That alone may have been enough to shift continental plates. (Just speculating.) Vegetation would have died without sunlight and the additonal mass of water would have slightly increased the earths gravitational pull. In other words, the old world was literally destroyed to the point that practically nothing survived intact. Who knows how many people perished in the flood. We know that they aged far slower than we do. If a typical lifespan was over 700 years and during that time, one continuously produced children, needless to say, the face of the earth could be covered in a relatively sort period of time. The level of technology achieved may never be known. Archeologists use evolution and carbon dating to try and explain a physical world that exists as it does because of spiritual events. They use evolution as though it's established fact when it's nothing of the sort. (Look up the post "Intelligent Design Past Finding Out.") Nobody in acedemia considers what would happen to the earth if it was covered completly by water, and yet, Gods word tells us that it was. Gods word is far more dependable than the theories of men who go out of their way to put God out of their minds. These are questions that we don't have answers to, but they're fun to think about. Five months after the flood began, the waters were abated from off the face of the earth. When Noah and the seven others disembarked from the ark, can you imagine what they saw? Barren landscape and most likely a smell persisted from rotted vegetation and flesh. The rough time that Adam and Eve had after being cast out of the garden of Eden was childs play compared to what Noah and his family went through. Everything had to start over. One night I heard a professor saying "all of the fossil records point to a mass extinction in the earths history." " OH; you THINK?" Again, the bible isn't a technical manual. It's the "holy scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Jesus Christ" (II Tim 3:15) In an age when men are ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth, it's good to have Gods infalliable word to go by. Men can spend a lifetime examining the physical world which is but a fraction of all that is. God is a Spirit and he is from everlasting to everlasting. There has never been a time when he wasn't God. The human mind can't even begin to understand such a concept. I Timothy 3:16 says it all. "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory." And very soon, Jesus will return to set up his millenial kingdom on earth. Genesis is an incredible book to be sure, but the world to come, the one that God has prepared for those who love him is awesome beyond imagination. As the song goes "Our God is an Awesome God" Please; if you have never asked the Lord Jesus to save you, I urge you to turn to him now. Remember Matthew 24:37 "But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."
Monday, September 18, 2006
A Song in the Night
I try to keep track of current events as much as possible; not because I'm over-concerned by this present world, but because I long for the world to come. Those sound like the words of a man who'se beside himself. It means, simply stated, that I long for the return of Jesus and as things come together in this world, regardless of how perilous they may be, it means that his return is drawing nigh. Sometimes we overstep and apply events to certain scriptures which have no connection at all. We still see through a glass darkly, but we know that the word of God will come to pass and Jesus warned us to "take heed" in these final moments of the age. Even though I expect things to fall apart soon, I have a song in my heart that won't go away. It's the peace of God that truly passes all understanding. Last week, at work, we learned about some of our product going to Mexico and our build numbers being down next year. This could mean layoffs and things in the natural could get "ugly in a hurry." I still have that song; in fact it became stronger. Our life is in Christ and we are his workmanship. I have decided in my heart that no matter what transpires; even the loss of everything in this life, my affections are on things above. I love Psalm 91:5-7. It reads "Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee." The whole psalm is awesome but you see in these verses that regardless of whats going on around you, God will always be there and things will be alright. Think about this; something so devastating that it causes ten thousand to fall; ten thousand that are right next to you. But God sustains you. I'm serious; the peace of God makes no sense in the natural realm, but it's very real. It's also very essential in these times as we're soon to see things transpire that we can't even imagine. That song in the night that comes from the Lord Jesus will still be there because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. I have found myself lately with this supernatural song; sometimes it's humming, oftentimes it's in the Spirit, but it's there and it's ever so sweet. I really believe that things are about to fall apart real soon. I may be wrong on this, but I will be somewhat surprised if the November elections take place. (They're irrelevant anyway with the onset of electronic voting that has no paper trail.) As mentioned in the last post on wordpress, from here on, things will never be the same as they once were. This isn't a crafty fear tactic; it's truth. It would be far easier to proclaim peace and safety like everyone else, but it would be erroneous. If', however, you know Jesus, you have his eternal peace that nothing in this world can take away. No matter what they do to you, they cannot touch your soul and they can't pursue you past the grave. Job 3:17-18 reads "There the wicked cease from troubling; and there the weary be at rest. There the prisoners rest together; they hear not the the voice of the oppressor. Just a small rabbit trail here for a moment. If Job had never gone through the fiery trial of his faith, we never would have heard about him. Because of that trial that Job went through, not only was he proven, the ordeal was recorded, and today we can share in the wisdom that God gave him. I know that we live in a "feel good" generation that equates gain with godliness, but trials are very necessary. They forge us into the image of Christ; we learn patience and to just trust the Lord that he will meet every need. I like the example that Jesus gave us concerning the sparrows; how God feeds them. We have two finch feeders in the front of our house. Even when the feeders are engulfed by yellow finches and the seed is practically gone, they never stop singing. They don't worry about things and if I should neglect to refill those feeders, they just go elsewhere. I've never seen an apprehensive finch. (or a skinny one) Simple trust; the concept is so very simple but learning to act on it takes continuous prayer and study. Well I"ll be going for now. I started a second blog on wordpress and it's my intent to keep them both updated as much as possible. (in the links list as "Grace County") Praise the name of Jesus!
More "And the Souls of Men"
The words in the title can be found in Revelation 18:13; a chapter which discusses the last days "Babylon." One thing that exemplifies our culture is the nonchalant approach that we take toward the event of souls entering eternity. The lions share of our movies feature someone being killed at some point and much of todays music, especialy in the hip-hop arena, promotes a culture of killing and acquiring material goods at the expense of someone going into eternity unsaved. (Think about that for a moment) We have video games such as the "Grand Theft Auto" series in which youth are encouraged to lie, steal, and kill, in order to get more stuff. In fact, I think that if there was a law permitting it, we would have "Roman Empire" style gladiator matches where two men fight to the death while "at ease" onlookers cheer and howl. Coming soon, there's going to be (hold on to your seat) a so called "christian video game" which is sanctioned by Tim LaHaye and is based on the "Left Behind" series. It's entitled "Left Behind Eternal Forces" and it deals with folks who live during the tribulation. ( It's due out this fall.) My understanding is that in this game, a christian has to "kill" opponents, and if that's not bad enough, (not to mention contrary to the sixth commandment) they can elect to be on the side of the antichrist forces. DOES THAT STRIKE YOU AS BEING WACKO? This game is going to be promoted through a network of churches and "megachurches. A game in which your child can kill or even allign himself the beast forces. Our culture is so accustomed to seeing portrayals of death in theater and music that such a game can be wheeled out and nobody raises an eyebrow. Even an unsaved person should be disturbed by such a game. Recently, a movie was produced that features our president being assasinated. Once again, no thought of the eternal soul that takes a final breath. Even though I suspect the president of having a globalist agenda, he still has a soul and Jesus died for his sins just like he did yours and mine. This movie almost has a "wishful thinking" ambience to it and if you hear the words of many of our "entertainers" they think along the same wavelength. As mentioned before, the breakrooms at work have televisions in them which broadcast CNN headline news 24/7. So when you go in for a pepsi or snack you're subjegated to their evening lineup of "soap opera style news." Which brings me to Nancy Grace; a program that they broadcast every other hour all night long. I didn't see the interview myself; only clips. There was a lady whose two year old child was kidnapped from her home. Nancy, as is her style, (I'm trying to be nice) grilled this lady to no end as a prosecuter would a person on trial. The lady then went and killed herself. This public grilling before a national audience (the only reason that Nancy Grace has an audience is because we can't turn off the televisions) was the proverbial "last straw" for this mother whose primary concern was finding her two year old child again. I imagine that this will only serve to bolster ratings as we've become a culture that equates death with entertainment. This young mother is in eternity at this very moment without remedy. What an absolutly senseless tragedy. The similarities between the US and the Roman Empire (the lone superpower of their day) are striking. Of course, we're still killing unborn babies because "leading experts" agree that it's not really a child until it's born. Our cup is nearing the point of overflow. Jesus stated in Matthew 12:36-37 "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." Nothing gets by God. He sees it all; he knows every motive and every thought. Jesus also stated in John 10:10 "The thief cometh not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." Jesus can save you if you'll turn to him. This world will soon pass away but if you'll turn to him and ask him to save you, he is true to his word. He stated in John 6:40 "And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day." (pre-tribbers; when does the "last day" take place?) Regardless of how nasty your past may be, you can be made whole at this very moment. Where you dwell forever and ever without end, is the most important decision that you will ever make. Please don't put it off. One more thing before I close. I wonder just how many souls have been lost in Iraq. Tens of thousands died under Saddam Hussein, but tens of thousands have died since then. We know that nearly 2700 Americans have died, but the toll on the Iraqis we'll never know. Sunnis, Shiites, Kurds, Chaldeans, Brits, Americans, Persians; Jesus died and rose again for all of us. A single soul, regardless of what nation they call home, is priceless. When one enters eternity unsaved, it's a senseless tragedy. It's every bit as senseless as the young mother who took her life following the interview on CNN. (Nancy Grace needs prayer; seriously.) Well it's time to close out this post. The things discussed here are very disturbing, however we were warned about what these days would be like. (Read II Timothy chapter 3, II Thessalonians chapter 2, Luke chapter 21, Daniel chapters 7-12, and Revelation.) Without a doubt, the appearing of Jesus is at the door and it's my prayer that you will be found of him without spot and blameless. Today is the day of salvation.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Do you Think what you Think you Think?
Greetings again. As I begin this evening, I have no particular direction in mind, therefore, as is often the case, I'll just launch out and see what happens. Often, folks will discuss the moment that we stand before the Lord Jesus as we're judged according to the things done in this life. We often tell of this coming judgment as a warning to those who know not the Lord; letting them know that this life will end and eternity will be forever. We also must give this our utmost consideration, knowing that that every word, every thought, every motive is known about by God. John chapter two tells about many who believed on Jesus at the passover in Jerusalem when they saw the miracles that he did. Verses 24-25 read "But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men, and needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man." He knows us far better than we know ourselves. That's both comforting and scary. It's very comforting to know that as we seek him with a pure heart, he knows it and is receptive to our petitions. It's also scary in that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. It's an ever so subtle shift to move from walking in the Spirit to working in pretense. Many examples abound, but one would be something that took place at an Apostolic church where I was fellowshipping for about six months. During an awesome service, the pastor made the statement "Aren't you glad that you're apostolic tonight?" The focus shifted from honoring the Lord Jesus to honoring a title that a group of believers gave themselves. It went unnoticed and I know for certain that it wasn't the pastors intention to do that, but it happened. One of the best examples is the church at Ephesus in Revelation 2:1-5. They were very busy about the work of the Lord. They were patient, didn't tolerate sin in the camp and tried those professing to be apostles but weren't. They were really busy. They got so busy, in fact, that they left their first love. They allowed the mechanics of serving the Lord to eclipse the personal relationship that we all need. I've done it and you probably have too at one time or another. I've even blogged at times when I should have been in prayer. (you can probably point out the ones where I'm out of sorts) I can always tell right away when I'm starting to get out of sorts because my patience begin to run short. It's as though the Lord gave me that as an alarm to let me know when "we need to talk." Jesus is the True Vine and unless we abide in him and allow nourishment to flow from the vine down to us, we'll begin to slip; the old man will reassert himself, and eventually, if we don't come to repentance and get right, we'll die . I was in a backslidden state for over thirteen years, because, when I moved from Virginia back to Michigan, I thought that I was stronger than I actually was. You can't possibly imagine how depressing it was to wind up in such rebellion and you can't imagine how grateful I am that the Lord Jesus pulled me out of it in March of 2004. He could have just let me go, but he didn't and today I love him more than ever. II Corinthians 7:11 is very real in my life and I have learned to just trust the Lord and not worry about the storms that are certain to come. (These are they that came out of great tribulation) If we just keep our eyes on Jesus things will fall into place as they ought and he'll keep us from wandering. What an awesome God we serve. What a privelage to know Jesus as Lord and to know that no matter what happens in this world, he's always with us. He never takes a vacation and leaves us to "tough it out" because in our own strength we would surely crash and burn. He is Faithful and True and I long for the day when we're all together forever with jesus. Until then, it's my prayer that we all would "keep our hearts with all diligence."
As it was in the days of Noah
This has been on my mind all morning. My wife and kids are out taking care of some business, so I'm cleaning the house wlile listening to Alexander Scoulby reading in the book of Luke. (Well, I was cleaning; now I'm blogging.) If one thing has really been on my heart lately, it's the importance of serving the Lord Jesus wholeheartedly. Holding nothing back not taking into consideration the opinions of others or the "best laid plans" for this life. (Remember Lots wife.) We live in a time of incredible spiritual slumber as everyone is busy pursuing the things of this world. Last night I was talking on how it's just as it was in the days of Noah, so it is now. I can't seem to emphasize enough how important it is to not be caught up in the rat race; to not allow the present world to captivate and overwhelm us. The great falling away is well underway; yea is nearly complete and there's an incredible temptation to just "go with the flow." We need to have a vision of the world to come; we need to have the word of God planted firmly in our heart; we need to keep our heart with all diligence; we need to stablish our heart now that we may stand and not faint when the physical realm becomes unbearable in the natural. We all know these things; they;re preached on all the time, and yet we succumb to the spirit of slumber way too often. We seem to struggle to "watch one hour." I don't mean to ramble, in fact, the last three posts are somewhat rambling (not to mention that all three are less than twenty four hours apart.) The urgency is so thick; the days are so full of deception; our generation is so caught up in entertaining themselves. How's this for insanity? The manipulators in hollywood will fly some average people out to an island. They script out a senario whereby they cause them to lie and cheat on each other to receive a prize and they call it "reality tv" That has to be the mother of all oxymorons. The whole culture is obsessed with material gain and entertainment. Meanwhile the church is for the most part, asleep also and the devil is walking about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. I don't know why this secular example came to mind and I'm sure that the song has an even more sinister message than what I'm about to say. I remember as a youth, a band called "The Police" and the words in the song "Sinchronicity" (I think that was the one; it was a long time ago.) The song depicts the hectic life of an average suburban British family and the stress of with living day to day. Then the chorus goes "Many miles away, something crawls from the slime, in the bottom of a dark Scottish Loch." Each time the chorus is repeated, the creature is closer until finally he's at the door. In all of these years, I never thought of the ominous message in those lyrics (I don't listen to any secular music but I remember this from when I was a teenager..) The antichrist is ready to step onto the world stage and the whole world will wonder after him. (The true saints of God will recognize the delusion.) Currently, everyones busy worrying about bills, squabbling with their spouse about nothing, and watching a steady diet of "reality tv." They will be caught completly off guard when everything comes to pass. We've all heard it time after time to the point where "dullness of hearing" has set in, but Jesus is coming; just as he told us. The days preceeding his return will be filled with unparalleled turmoil and we have to do as I Peter 4:7-8 reads. " But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins." Well I've blogged as long as I can for now. Please draw ever closer to the Lord Jesus as his return is at hand.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Talking Points
Tonight, on my way home from work, I found myself searching my heart; asking the Lord to reveal anything that's contrary to him. Any self serving motivation, any bitterness, any pride, anything that would hinder my relationship with him. To be as close to the Lord as we can be is not merely a joyous thing (although, it is very joyous) it's a matter of life or death. To stand in the days that are before us will require that closeness to Jesus. If you haven't checked out the link on the " beating around the bush" post, please read it. Some people at work to whom I mentioned it treated it as an "idle tale from the internet" kind of how most treat the gospel of Jesus Christ. In fact tonight at work was like almost any other night. People talked of their plans for the weekend, radios blasted; though not as loud as usual, and the talk of sports was everywhere. People are all excited about tomorrows Notre Dame- Michigan game but couldn't care less about a Savior who came into this world and shed his blood for them. Football, politics, home improvements, running to the bars after work; the same types of conversation that you;ll hear in any workplace in any city in America. It's just as it was in the days of Noah. It's just as it was in the days when Jesus took upon himself a physical body. It's just as it's been throughout the ages; only now, the ages are ending and the final chapter is playing out. Kim Weirs visions are so telling concerning the spiritual battle going on at this very moment. The physical realm merely reflects that ongoing struggle that's transpiring all around us. You may be at your computer in your office or in your living room, but in reality, you are right in the heat of battle. The powers of darkness are firing everything that they have at you if you love the Lord Jesus Christ and you're longing for his appearing. I wonder how Noah felt as he was entering the ark that he had been preparing. He knew that judgment was coming and he warned people for years and years to repent; to turn back to God while there was still time. Yet when it was time to enter the ark, nobody joined him except Mrs Noah, their three sons and three daughter-in-laws. Eight people. The entire population of the earth; old people, young people, children, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers; everybody else stayed outside until finally, time expired. As God shut the door, Noahs heart must have been breaking. You see scripture coming to pass before your very eyes. You know that the age is ending, and yet, everyones attitude seems to be like "that's oh did I tell you? We just bought a new camper. It's a really nice camper; we're taking it up north this weekend." "And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be in the days of the Son of man." They ate, they drank they got married, they took their kids to soccer practice, they remodeled their basements, they blogged all night long, they discussed the war on terror around the water cooler, they did everything except seek the Lord while he may be found. Even sadder still is when christians who hear the word of God preached continuously, have a similar attitude. Like the ten virgins, they're all asleep; the wise ones and the foolish. This is going to sound like complaining; maybe it is complaining, but it has puzzled me for a long time. I was seeking a church home for quite a while before coming to my current fellowship. In most places, the Lord Jesus Christ is preached on and lifted up during the service, which is the whole reason for gathering; to exalt the Lord Jesus. Before and after, however, they talk about everything under the sun except the Son. I remember reading Frank Bartlemans account of the Azuza street revival. He told how after prayer, even everyday casual conversations (like the weather) seemed ever so cold and "hard." I think it's why I like to come here. I think on the Lord Jesus Christ continuouslly and I can put down my thoughts. I can search through blogs and other sites where you find that there are others who really love the Lord Jesus and think on these things continuously also. Sometimes, I'll read of someone who obviously has a closer relationship with the Lord and it encourages me to "get closer" To truly abide under the shadow of his wings. To just "be still and know that he IS GOD!" When you really get in close with the Lord Jesus, and you fellowship with others who are likeminded, it's special. There's nothing else like it. I have a good local fellowship, however, being on second shift, I'm not able to be with them as often as I would like. Nonetheless, Jesus is with us always. He's a friend that sticketh closer than a brother and he'll be with us always.
Beating Around the "Bush"
Greetings in Jesus name. I find myself very short of time but I wanted to comment on this. It all points to the return of Jesus Christ, who will establish the millenial kingdom, wherein will be peace and righteousness. The turmoil that he told us of, that would preceed his appearing, is coming to pass. The last couple of days have seen much debate concerning our presidents desire to "sidestep" the Geneva convention; another indicator of the alternate agenda that's in play. As you watch this and a host of other events, you begin to realize that the days of playing "donkeys and elephants" are long gone. The diversions of the political arena serve primarily to occupy the minds of an unsuspecting public. (Speaking of "unsuspecting public", the REAL ID ACT is scheduled to go into effect in May of 2008. The parallels between this and the mark of the beast are ominous.) There are so many "causes" going on right now. The war on terror, is indeed, an ongoing battle with those in the islamic world who want to destroy us. At the same time, it's being capitalized on by those with a globalist agenda such as our president. I'm not one to jump on every conspiracy theory that comes along, but why are we leaving our southern border wide open? Why are there plans in place for the North American Corridor? Well for one, it will help to merge the US into a global entity. It'll eventually drain and destablize the "lone superpower" just as the situation in Mesopotamia (Iraq) is creating excessive stress on our military. (The eagle nation of Daniel chapter 7 is bogged down along the banks of the Euphrates.) If you know Jesus; don't let these things alarm you. No matter what happens in the physical world, don't stress out. Remember Psalm 91, and Psalm 46. I read a blog today that really caught my attention and ties in with the present situation. Please pray over it and read it. It's To be alert in these times is of utmost importance. Again, I only talk about these things as to draw attention to the times that we're in and the soon return of Jesus Christ; our Savior and King who is coming for a bride without spot and blameless. May we all lay aside every weight and sin and strive to be in continuous fellowship with him. Well I know that I've hopped all over the place in this post, but I just want to sound the alarm in any way that I can that this age is quickly drawing to a close. I have some other things on my heart but will wait until after work; unless the NSA brings down the internet because they've completed their "lists" of the citizens. Saints of God, please don't get discouraged by what you see and hear. We have an inheritance incorruptible with Jesus who gave his life for us that we could dwell with him forever in a world without end. This is no time to be discouraged. The tears flow for those around us who don't know Jesus and we pray fervently for them. We strive to put away the old carnal nature that we may be used of the Lord to reach them. But we must not let this world get to us. This week at work, I found out that some of our product line is going to Mexico and our build numbers are going down next year. Praise God! He can keep the plant open if he wants, or he can shut it down tomorrow. I just pray that his will be done and I know that he'll never EVER forsake us. My affections are on the world to come and my primary concern is that folks would turn to Jesus before time runs out. Well I really must go; I'm late. I'll address any spelling errors tonight and I plan to post again tonight also. See you then.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Attitude adjustment: Thank you Jesus
This morning, I awakened in an "out of sorts" kind of mood as the normal hectic schedule that I have was compounded. It's almost as if the enemy sometimes is just waiting for you to gain consciousness so that he can pounce upon you before you're even awake. This morning was no exception and I let some things get to me initally, but completed the additional tasks. (although I still have a few more to do before going to work at the chariot of Egypt) I then fed the goats and resorted to the back room of the barn, which has become one of my favorite prayer closets. I remembered, once again, the importance of not losing site of the real battlefield. It's not with family members or anyone in this life. It's with the devil, who'se trying to keep people in darkness. He uses everything in his bag of tricks to keep those around us from coming to Jesus and he does everything that he can to neutralize us. He knows where to strike and when. After prayer this morning, my focus is back where it belongs; serving the Lord and standing in the gap for the souls all around me who aren't ready to stand before Jesus. We must walk in the Spirit continuously and allow the love of Jesus to work through us. To have true compassion for those with whom we cross paths daily with a love that's untarnished by vainglory and self serving motives. That ultruistic love for our families,our friends, and everyone that we come into contact with no matter how contrary they may be. Once again, we have to keep our affections on the world to come and understand the situation that's before us. Well, I have to go take care of another errand, but I thought that I would take a moment to "powerblog" while a few minutes was available.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
A Wake Up Call to One and All
Lately, the Lord has been granting me victory over some of the runaway foolishness that tends to be a problem for me, (confess your faults) primarily at work where over 900 people are employed; most in need of Jesus. 900 people,many of whom, if they should go into eternity before returning home again, wouldn't be ready. This sobering assessment was taken to an entirely new level for me yesterday afternoon when I read the testimony of a sister named Aline Baxley. Before continuing here, I would ask that you read her testimony at At the age of forty, she had an accident and was in a coma for days with severe injuries. During this time she saw hell "literally" and she saw the death angel who, at the command of God will separate one from life forever. She was literally "standing on the brink" Her story is one that should wake up every saint of God as to the urgency of the hour and every sinner as to the dangerous game that they are playing with their eternal soul by not accepting Jesus as their Savior. We all get sidetracked by the physical world; the one that we can see and put our hands on. This sisters testimony was a real awakening to me and the Lord brought me to a new level of seriousness with it yesterday. Of the many aspects from this testimony which struck me, one was how Alines mother and sister were interceding fervently for her during the days that she was in a coma. We tend to take prayer way too lightly and yet it's our lifeline to Jesus; our direct communication link to the throneroom. Through Christ you can move mountains and break down strongholds. I'm as guilty as anyone about not interceding for those around me as often as I should and this situation simply cannot be left unaddressed. A soul is priceless; a persons soul is eternal and everyone will stand before God. We are surrounded by unsaved people who are created in Gods image. People for whom Jesus died; people who are unaware of the perilosity (I know that perilosity isn't a real word) concerning their situation. It amazes me that even folks in the nursing home where my dad is residing have no consideration of eternity. All of us are merely "one heartbeat away from eternity", but the folks in the nursing home have run the gamut of physical life and yet most give no thought to the neverending world to come. My dad is not saved, he's suffering from dimentia, and the temptation is to give up, but we CANNOT GIVE UP ON THOSE WHO ARE HANGING IN THE BALANCE. We have to take the job of intercession very seriously and be always ready to give an answer to any man that asks of th hope that is in us. My dad is still alive and I know that God can reach him even in his current condition. There are souls in hell today that were not there yesterday. Those souls have no remedy; they neglected the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ during life, and finally, their time ran out. The time that we have in this life is fleeting and can come to an end with no warning. (Like the phrase "he never knew what hit him") My household is not ready for eternity and it weighs on my heart greatly. We have to stand in the gap; even when they turn on us and seem to run in the complete opposite direction. I remember my pastor telling about their youngest daughter. When she was seventeen, she took off and went to California. The only thing that he could do was to pray and trust God; (who is God in California too) to reach her heart. That was years ago, but things worked out and today she's serving the Lord and longing for his appearing. Always remember the parable of the widow and the unjust judge that Jersus gave us in Luke 18:1-8. Also remember James 5:16 which states "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" To be in a continuous state of prayer and intercession for those around us; for those who don't know Jesus and also for the saints who are engaged in the very same types of battles as we are. This morning, I praise God who has brought me to a new level of sobriety in the past 21 hours. Last night, I could not get sister Alines testimony out of my mind and I also received some direction on things to be doing now; as the final moments of this age play out. The time to be strong and do exploits is upon us and we must be about our Fathers business with urgency like never before. Praise the name of Jesus Christ; our high priest forever, who is able to save us to the uttermost seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for us. We all need his uttermost every hour of every day. (Please read Alines testimony.)
Monday, September 11, 2006
In a Dry and Thirsty Land
Amos 8:11-12 is frequently quoted. It reads "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD: And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it." It's amazing that this country seems to be completly given over to idolitry with thoughts of the God who created all things being the farthest thing from the minds of most. We have a church on almost every corner of every town and so called "megachurches" are springing up in every metropolitan area with enough glitz to rival the largest malls. You would think that this is a very christian nation, and yet this country has never been farther from the Holy One of Israel. Most Americans spend their entire lives obsessing over the acquisition of wealth, accumulating toys, and pursuing ways to entertain themselves. Do you know what a pastime is? (like baseball is the great American pastime) Websters dictionary describes it like this. "Something that amuses and serves to make time pass agreeably: DIVERSION" It's something that you do that doesn't accomplish anything other than to keep you from being bored while time is slipping away. A person who doesn't know Jesus will do anything and purchase as much stuff as possible, as they try to fill the emptiness inside; the void that only God can fill. The old saying that "money can't buy happiness is as true today as it was when someone first coined the phrase. What amazes me is that many professing christians behave in the same fashon. (Once again "posessions are not a problem but when they become "idols" and take the place of God, it's a huge problem. The more posessions that you have, the greater the danger of this happening.) So much preaching today centers on the assumption that gain is godliness that you almost never hear anyone talk about repentance or keeping your heart with all diligence. Striving to enter in at the strait gate as Jesus told us we must do has become "out dated" in the eyes of many. I read somewhere today that most of the christians in this country are "babes" as they haven't been receiving a balanced diet of the word of God. Colossians 2:8 reads "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." This is happening today and as a result, you have a grievous famine in the land. Then it's further enhanced by the teaching of a pre-tribulation rapture doctrine that's not only contrary to scripture, it's contrary to the pattern that has existed throughout the ages and it's causing millions to not prepare themselves spiritually. Most christians, in this country at least, are woefully unprepared for the days that are ahead. (once again, I wasn't planning to go here as I know that it's not well received, but here it is) What makes us think that we're any better than the apostles or the saints throughout the dispensation of grace? We seem to think that we're going to be sitting in our easy chair amidst our trappings and suddenly be out of here before anything happens that might be a "little disquieting" to the flesh. The second coming of Christ takes place immediatly after the tribulation according to Matthew chapter 24; not to mention scores of other verses. (Here's a question. Why do the days have to be shortened for the elects sake if the elect aren't going to be here?) I can tell you from my own personal experience, that when you understand this and allow the Lord to prepare you for it, you'll have more peace and contentment than you can imagine. (I used to be terrified at the thought of going through the tribulation) You began to see this world as a traveller whose only passing through. (which you are) It'll cause you to draw ever closer to the Lord and to just trust that he will indeed be with you always; even until the end of the world. (there it is again) I know that this is being rejected by most; in fact it's rejected by the church in Three Rivers where I fellowship. They love the Lord and we always have a great time in the Lord when we"re together, but I'm definatly the only one there (I think) that believes this. Sister Sharon had a dream recently, however, in which she had to go to a gillotine for the testimony of Jesus and I know that many have had similar dreams in recent times. A few days ago, while in prayer, I asked the Lord for a taste of the grace that would take one through such an event. I ended up in a state of peace and fellowship with him like I haven't experienced in a long time. HE WILL NOT LEAVE US. Just like he was there with Steven in Acts chapter 7. I didn't intend to go here; in fact I never set out to discuss this but it seems to come up anyway. The end times are not to be feared, unless you don't know Jesus. Then you will be very fearful. If you don't know Jesus as your Savior, please turn to him now. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.." That's I John 1:9 and it's for you if you will only ask. Please don't wait another day because eventually, there won't be another day.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Conspiracy Theater
I know that I posted only hours ago but I just have some quick thoughts to put down. It's now 12:05 am, which makes today September 11, 2006 or the fifth year since the 911 attacks. So much debate has gone on as to whether the government knew about it; was it an inside job, or simply a breach in security. These debates will go on as long as there is time remaining, just as the debate went on concerning the attack on Pearl Harbor; some saying that the government knew about that. Personally, I think that 911 was carried out by islamic terrorists who want to destroy us and are, at this moment, gathered in various locations throughout Waziristan, Baluchistan, and the various other "stans" I won't say conclusively as none of us can really know the depths of wickedness that exist in our government. In reality, it's a moot point; especially to those who are in eternity at this moment as a result of the events that transpired on that day. There is, by the way a colossal conspiracy going on at this moment thats bigger than the new world order, bigger than islam, bigger than any military entity; in fact, it's bigger than all of the conspiracy theories all rolled into one. The fact is that there is a devil who's walking about seeking whom he might devour. His time is running out and he's preparing the final "big lie" that will deceive the whole world. He used Saddam Hussein, He's using Bin Laden, he's using the apostate church with it's fleshtone doctrines, he's using peoples fascination with dark sentances, he's using every tool in his arsenal to prevent people from giving their hearts to Jesus and being saved from eternal torment. He's out to oppose all that is God and those who love God. So while a lot of the horrific events that are taking place in the world have no physical connection, they have the same father. The devil is the father of lies. He convinces muslims that they're serving God by blowing themselves up along with innocent bystanders and he convinces westerners that there's nothing wrong with the Harry Potter series because it portrays good defeating evil. He convinces the intellectuals that they have the mysteries of the universe figured out and that everything has a natural reason for being as it is. He convinces masses of people that they are "good folks" who just mind their business and obey the "golden rule." He convinces homosexuals that they were "born that way" and he tells scores of ladies that it's "their body; their choice" concerning abortion. The whole world is straining at an array of custonized gnats while hell is enlarging itself daily as people go into eternity without knowing Jesus Christ as their Savior. Nobody has to go to a devils hell. Jesus paid for the sins of all when he shed his blood on Calvary. But when a person doesn't accept him as their Savior, they have to pay for their sins themselves and nobody can do that. So today, on September 11, 2006, you'll undoubtedly hear all kinds of conspiracy theories which generate questions and suspicions, none of which will even scratch the surface of the spiritual war that's driving the events of the day. Very soon, it's all going to come together. There will be a one world government in place and the picture as to how it's going to transpire becomes a little more clear each day. Please read Matthew chapter 24 where Jesus told about the perils of the last days. I was going to paraphrase but you just can't paraphrase this chapter properly. Please read it if you have never done so. Take it to heart as this is an age of incredible delusions. Don't take the words of any person, be it a preacher, professor, news reporter, or anyone at face value. Search the scriptures and ask God to reveal his truth to you. Jamse 1:5 states "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." Jeremial 33:3 states "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." If you seek God wholeheartedly, he will reveal his truth to you. His word is truth. The bible was recorded by several individuals over thousands of years and yet it all fits together perfectly and it has an accuracy rating of 100%. Well, I'll be going for now. I pray that you'll take these things into consideration and seek the Lord while he may be found.
And They Lived Happily Ever After
To a casual observer whose thoughts rarely venture outside of the present realm, the posts on this blog site would seem to have a depressing tone to them. My thoughts are not of this world, but on the world to come; the world that has no ending. The new heaven and new earth where God will be the light and the saints will dwell forever. A place void of darkness and sorrow. An inheritance incorruptible and that fadeth not away. I Corinthians 13:12 states "For now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." Throughout the bible, we are given glimpses of the world to come. While we haven't seen it, we know that the word of God is true and that we have a truly blessed hope. A hope that doesn't hinge on the economy, the middle east turmoil, the Chinese military buildup, or even the demise of this country. This is not to say that I suggest living in a cave and not caring what happens. There are lost souls all around us and while some may not want to hear the gospel now, we still have to be the salt of the earth. When things come apart, and according to scripture, they will come apart (with little physical warning) some will clammer to know the truth. Nonetheless, it's ever so important to have our sites fixed on the world to come. I know that it's become the primary theme of most of the postings here, but were in an hour when people aren't enduring sound doctrine. They're seeking out fleshy teachers who preach a fleshy gospel that caters to the physical realm but doesn't prepare one to be ready for the days that we're living in or the world to come. It's an absolute must; that we lay down every weight and sin. It's an absolute necessity that we strive to be as close to the Lord as we can be; making him the meditation of our heart day and night. When you fall in love in the natural world, you will find yourself thinking about that special person (of the opposite sex of course) constantly and you'll bend over backwards to try and please them. When someone comes against the relationship, such as a parent or a friend, your resolve will be fortified even further to make everything work out. The same princiapal applies to the Lord Jesus who shed his blood for us. We didn't deserve it; he did it out of his love for that which was lost. If we truly love him, we will want to please him. Our thoughts will be on the world to come and as II Corinthians 5:2 states, we will groan, "earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven:" This desire should be stronger with each passing day, especially as that moment is closer with each passing day. When you truly love the Lord and you truly desire to finish the race that is set before you, you'll not be derailed by this world. Even if they kill the body, they can't touch the soul. As II Corinthians 5:8-9 states "We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him." II Corinthians is an awesome book, as is all of Gods word. In chapter 12, the apostle Paul writes about a man that he knew "above fourteen years ago" that had been caught up to heaven and seen paradise. Can you imagine what that must have been like to actually see it. And then come back here. Can you imagine what that must have been like? You would realize that most christians worry about a whole lot of nothing. They occupy themselves with seemingly everything except striving to be found of the Lord Jesus without spot and blameless. I remember two years ago visiting a church and they spent more time talking about the importance of the elections of 2004 than being ready to be with the Lord. I have no problem with participating in the elections (although I didn't in 2004 for reasons that would require an entire post to expain) but that is not where spiritual battles are won. We really need to keep our priorities straight and our affections on Jesus whose return we long for. "Happily ever after" isn't merely the words that you find in the end of a childrens book. They also describe the state of eternal bliss that those who have been born again will enjoy. To be with the Lord for all of eternity with all of the saints from all of the ages gathered together on that golden shore. Just thinking about it should put a song in your heart and a smile on your face.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Suddenly: Last Autumn
Officially, summer doesn't end until September 23, but for most Americans, the fall season has already set in. School is back in session where our kids are indoctrinated with sensitivity training and and a new age perspective on everything. Soon the weather will cool down, homecoming games will be played, and halloween will be celebrated by millions who have no idea as to the dangers of emulating the forces of darkness. Even churches get into the act; only they call them "harvest celebrations." The arguement goes "well we have to offer people an alternative." I really don't think that being like the world is going to change the hearts of men. Since it's an election year you can expect political bantering to reach a fever pitch as the electronic voting machines with no paper trail are prepared to record the will of the new world order I mean...the citizens of this country. (I'm sorry if I sound a little negative. I see a lot of issues that are sweeping away the last vestiges of the republic and sarchasm seems the only way to draw attention to them at times.) Soon thanksgiving will be here, which is supposed to be a day of giving thanks to God, but instead is little more than a marker to usher in the "shopping season." We proclaim to the world that we are a "christian nation and we supposedly celebrate Christ coming into the world, but he is the farthest thing from the minds of most. (The virgin birth of Jesus is an intregal part of the gospel and should be remembered 24/7. Jesus Christ is God. He was in the world, the world was made by him and the world knew him not. He took upon himself a body of flesh, was tempted in all points as we are and NEVER SINNED! That's why the virgin birth is so important.) Todays holiday celebrations have nothing to do with the gospel and if you would like some enlightenment, do some research on the word "yule" to see what it really is. Folks sing "yule tide carols" and have no idea of what they're talking about. This post has already gone in an entirely different direction than what I had originally intended but the next few months; barring any history altering events, will be a time of nonstop running to and fro for most. The enemy has people running in circles and jumping through hoops. Financial stress is tearing apart marriages, kids are more rebellious than ever, people are more concerned with entertainment than they are the issues of the day, and folks go through the motions of life similar to a robot performing a specific task over and over. Daniel 12:4 reads "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." Such is the age in which we live. The plant that I work at has CNN headline news piped into all of the breakrooms and is on continuously. Recently, there was a commercial for a credit card. It featured a guy who was out jogging; in fact, he never stops jogging during the commercial. He dashes into a convenience store, runs to the back, picks up a drink bottle, runs past the checkout counter with his credit card out, the scanner reads it, and he's on his way. If that doesn't strike you as being just a little ominous, you need to be jarred out of your slumber. We're moving so fast that we just swallow anything that comes our way as little more than just the "latest convenience" or the "coolest gadget-oh I have GOT to have one!" As you study the bible, it appears that the antichrist will come on the scene when it looks as though all is lost. He will set himself up as the savior of mankind and the world will literally "wonder after the beast." The conditoning of the populace is nearly complete and the only thing lacking is a "cause" to finally throw it all into high gear. A one-world beast government is only a terrorist plot away. One nuclear detonation in an American city would be all that it would take. One recurring theme that you hear on the news is a constant drumbeat of "are we protected enough?" Why isn't the administration doing more to protect us from terrorists? Why is our border wide open? These are questions that don't have physical answers because they are the product of a spiritual conditon called "the mystery of iniquity". As has been stated so very often, the time to get right with the Lord is now. There may not be a tomorrow as such is not a promise. Soon the psudo-peace and safety will be gone and that's no time to be without the Savior. Jesus will save you if you'll just call upon him. I write about some unpleasent things because I want to alert any passer-by to give their heart to Jesus before it's too late I write such things because they're coming to pass NOW; not at some ambiguous point in the distant future. I urge you to get into a right standing with Jesus while there's still a chance to do so.
Friday, September 08, 2006
As you enjoy your morning coffee:
Greetings in Jesus name on a Friday morning in which I have no idea of what to write about. A lot of things are on my mind, but locking onto just one is a chore. I sometimes wonder why I'm doing this as there are millions of sites here in Blogopolis. Nonetheless, it's fun and as I write things down, I find myself thinking on them more than if they just stayed in my head. My primary desire is to be an encouagment to others. (The world is ending! Oh thats soooo encouaging) To urge the saints to keep the faith, to warn the lukewarm to get right with God, and to warn those who are not born again that the window of grace is quickly closing and tomorrow is a promise to no man. To lift up the name of Jesus Christ; the only name given under heaven whereby we must be saved. It sounds like a very narrowminded viewpoint because it is a very narrow road that Jesus told us leads to everlasting life. This will shock most who read it, but the tragic truth is that most people will choose the wide road and not accept Jesus as their Savior. Most will go into perdition needlessly. So if you're a follow-the-crowd, keep-up-with-the-Jonses type, I would urge you to STOP! Really think about this; if your life ended right now are you ready to go into eternity? If a blood vessel in your brain should burst before you finish reading this blog, are you, in your present condition, ready to stand before God? It can happen just that fast. Do you remember 911? The fifth anniversary is monday. To me, the most horrific images from that day were taken after the planes had hit. In the windows above the impact sites, there were people waving shirts and towels to signal rescuers. Rescuers who never made it. These people went to work that morning to pay their bills, further their careers, work on their nest-egg and plan for retirement. None of them went to work wondering "What will I do if a plane hits the building?" Eternity is right around the corner from each of us and you never know when your next breath may be your final one. I am trying to be encouaging; my fervent desire is that you would know Jesus as your savior and have eternal life. I pray that it would hit home to you that your time in this life is very very brief and can come to an abrupt end with no warning. A few days ago, Steve Irwin perished in a way that nobody would have expected. For years people watched him narrate on wildlife from the most perilous of stages until it became routine. When you came into this world, you were alloted a specific number of days. You're using one right now and the countdown is on. If you go into eternity without knowing Jesus as your Savior, there is no remedy. Just ask the rich man in Luke 16:19-31. Please read this parable even if you haven't touched a bible in years. That rich man, who had everything that this world had to offer, is still in hell. He's been there for two thousand years with no hope of rescue because he didn't take heed to the word of God when he walked the earth. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT DECISION THAT YOU WILL EVER MAKE! Making a wrong career decision is a little mistake. The missteps that you might take concerning the things of this world can be worked out. If you die in your sins, or if you take the mark of the beast, (the mechanics are already in place) there's no tomorrow; only wailing and gnashing of teeth for all of eternity. Jesus came to save you from your sins, but the choice is up to you. I pray that you will invite Jesus into your heart today and that I will see you on the streets of the New Jerusalem when this age has ended.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Brotherhood of the Guam
It's been quite a journey since the day that I gave my heart to Jesus in September of 1983. There have been awesome moments along with seasons where I really struggled, but the Lord has been very longsuffering and Philippians 1:6 is so true. "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." Recently, I regained contact with some of the saints with whom I was in the navy with. I was stationed on board the USS Guam from June of 1984 until December of 1987. It was during this time that some awesome memories came to be. (It's important to not dwell in the past; only to use it as a reference to know what the Lord has brought you from and how he has worked in your life.) We held free-form bible sudies at all hours of the night and would regularly share the gospel in the streets of any town that the Guam took us to, providing we knew the language. It was also during this time that I began to learn the awesomeness of quality time spent in prayer. My favorite hangout was the forcastle (ours was enclosed because of the flight deck) and there was nothing better than to come into the presence of the Lord with nobody else around. (I'm not a hermit, but you need time like that and in todays world, such moments can be hard to find.) It was an incredible time of developing a closer walk with Jesus and learning to have compassion on those around me. (Every one that you will ever come into contact with, regardless of how froward they may be, it's important to remember that Jesus paid for their sin just as he did yours.) I remember the days on the Guam because it was there that the Lord began to really start guiding me into the strait (that's the King James spelling) and narrow way that Jesus said we must seek. Two years ago, I was able to reestablish contact with Tony Cicatko again and this past summer, contact was established with Mark Gardner and Alfred D McNeely. Mark, while currently in the states, has been a missionary to Angola and plans are in place to go to Namibia next June. Bro Al remained in the navy for several years and now works for the navy in a civilian capacity. He resides in Millington Tennessee. Bro Tony, during his navy years was (and still is) married with four kids. I now can really appreciate the balancing act that he had to perform; raising a family while being in the military, as I now have four kids also. The primary difference is that I don't have to go on six month deployments. That had to be rough but God is faithful and bro Tony was always full of the joy of the Lord. As mentioned in previous posts, Gods peace doesn't hinge upon physical circumstances; it's always there if you keep your heart upon him. It's been quite a journey. Sometimes I look and it seems that I have so far to go in growing into the fullness of Christ. Each day we must strive to be less like us and more like him. But as far as I still have to go, when I look back I can see how far he's brought me already. Before I became a christian, I had a very dark occult-like viw of the world and made a mockery of the children of the most high God. Truly, he has brought me a long way from the road to perdition and I will forever praise him for it. My heart is firmly on the race that is set before me and I pray that yours is also. Well, I have to get ready to go work at the chariot of Egypt known as "American Axle and Manufacturing." I will post again when I get a chance. I really enjoy blogging. Even if nobody reads it, it's good to engage in heavenly conversation.